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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ breakthrough ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

Days had passed since Eustace's transformation into a dragon. The Dawn Treader's journey, once filled with wonder and discovery, had taken on a more ominous tone as the crew sailed beneath the guiding light of the Blue Star. Anxiety grew, a palpable tension weaving through the hearts of those on board, for they sensed they were steering towards an impending danger.

Lorna's spirit echoed the crew's unrest. Her heart, a cauldron of swirling emotions, brimmed with familiar fears and new, unsettling feelings. The unexpected return of the Pevensies had reignited a flame within her, a connection she had tried to sever, especially with Edmund. From their first meeting, their lives had been intertwined by an invisible thread, pulling them closer despite her attempts to keep her distance. The thought of their inevitable departure, leaving her behind once more, filled her with a dread that gnawed at her resolve. She had vowed not to let herself be drawn to them again, to shield her heart from the pain of loss, but her resolve was undeniably fragile.

Lorna sought solace in her sanctuary, a high perch on the ship's mast. As the ship rocked gently beneath her, she heard a rustling below. Edmund appeared, climbing with a quiet determination, a red apple clutched in his hand.

Reaching her, he extended the apple with a gentle yet firm command. "You haven't eaten since morning. You need to eat." he spoke, his voice was a blend of concern and authority, resonating in the quiet night.

Lorna looked at him, her heart a tangle of emotions, as she took the offered fruit. His presence, though brief, stirred something deep within her. His eyes, earnest and caring, lingered on her for a moment before he climbed down.

She watched him go, her gaze lingering on his retreating form, the apple resting cool in her hand. As she bit into the apple, the Dawn Treader glided smoothly over the moonlit waters of the Eastern Ocean, the gentle rhythm of the waves providing a soothing counterpoint to the vast, starlit sky above. The ship's sails billowed softly in the night breeze, guiding her towards the mysterious island, which they were slowly but steadily approaching.

Alex stood by the ship's rail, his face bathed in the silver glow of the moon. His eyes traced the shimmering path of light on the water, lost in thoughts of their adventures, each island, each challenge, a step closer to some unknown destiny. The gentle hum of the ship and the distant call of a seabird were the only sounds in the tranquil night.

Beside him, Caspian leaned on the rail, his expression thoughtful yet serene. He gazed out over the ocean, the stars reflecting in his eyes like distant lanterns. "We have come so far, haven't we?" he said quietly, as if speaking more to the sea than to anyone in particular.

Alex nodded, his voice soft. "It's hard to believe we are nearing the end. Each place we have seen, every person we have met, it feels like a part of a dream."

I See The Light || Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now