21st of August, 2027: Telling

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21st of August, 2027

It was the next day, we were up bright and early because it wouldn't be as warm out, which meant that my nausea wouldn't be as bad. Someway I had recognized the heat as a main factor to my sickness, which meant that we had our portable AC working far too hard in our bedroom at night. However, it would still be bad. Though, I did feel a little better, and it was probably because Dom had made me drink and eat some food yesterday. It was around 6:30, which was bright and early for a weekend, when we walked out the door of our apartment. I hadn't eaten breakfast yet, afraid it might make me sick, and I really wanted to do this for Dom. I took a deep breath. Dom was holding my hand tightly. But, just as we stepped out the door, Dom let go of it and walked back inside.
"Just wait a second", he announced, and just seconds later he came back with his camera hanging over his shoulder. I cracked a smile. "Now we can go", he said, and locked the door behind him so I wouldn't have to worry about that as well. Anxiously, I took his hand and we walked down the stairs. I leaned on him in every possible way as we made our way, and I knew he leaned on me too.

The cemetery looked peaceful this early in the morning. The city hadn't quite woken up yet, and you could hear birds chirping from one of the trees overlooking the gravestones. We were making our way across the path that we'd got to know by heart since we'd first stepped on it. Dom was holding my hand tightly. In his other hand, he was holding white lilies that we'd bought from a local flower shop that had barely opened up as we'd passed its entrance. The woman outside the shop was probably just cleaning the windows, and I knew they didn't open for another hour — which, still, was very early for a shop, but I figured they delivered flowers for events on weekends, and so we took our shot. The woman who sold them had spoken in broken English in a dialect that I still could not place, and she had instantly smiled when she'd seen us come around the corner. She greeted us with an oh, I haven't seen you in a while and said of course when we'd asked for lilies, and excusing our early arrival. Then she'd continued to say, as she handed them over beautifully wrapped in brown paper, that lilies are the most precious flower. Yet not many people buy them. But I love them. And you do as well? Dom had smiled, and said thank you, I love them too. They were my sister's favourite. He'd tried to hide it, but a wave of sadness had crushed over him as he'd said that. I squeezed his hand.

Now, we were standing in front of her grave. It was simple. She'd designed it herself, and there were no ornaments or frills. Just her name and the important dates. I remember how'd she'd joked about having a cheesy quote on it, which her mother Agnès had instantly vetoed and her father had just laughed wholeheartedly with her and tried to make her do it. Dom hadn't really done anything, he'd just shrugged his shoulders and smiled, saying that I just want it to be you. And it was. I turned my head to Dom. His eyes were watery now, but he was holding the tears in.
"Hi Flo", he managed to say. "It's August now", he said, as he let his eyes wander around the graveyard and tried to take in the surroundings.
"We brought your flowers. Lilies", he added, and let go of my hand as he kneeled down, took off the brown paper and placed them in front of her stone. He took a deep breath. "I think we've had a bouquet of lilies in our living room every day since you left", and with that he chuckled a little. He sat down on the patch of grass in front of her grave, and let the tote bag on his shoulder as well as his camera come to the ground. I took a seat next to him. The grass was still a little wet from the night's rain, but neither of us cared.
"Yeah. We've got a new bouquet every week", I cut in, smiling even though the sadness hung over me like a cloud. "We've become friends with the woman who sells them"
Dom cracked a laugh. I smiled.
"I miss you, little sis", he quietly said. "And I've missed you so much in these last couple of weeks, because there's something I would've wanted you to be the first one to know about. Even if you were terrible when it came to keeping a secret", he continued to say, smiling at the memory of her, as he reached for the sonogram picture in the tote bag we'd brought.
He seemed to think about it for just a second before he said the words.
"Flo, you're gonna be an aunt next year. In February or March", and as he said that, he was smiling even brighter, but at the same time his eyes were watery and welled up. He held the picture in his hands, as if he was showing her it.
I could feel my eyes well up too, as I smiled from ear to ear. It was just something about it that felt so raw, so real.
"It wasn't exactly planned", I earnestly said, as I squeezed Dom's hand. "But it feels right. And we know you'd be delighted, and a little worried, like your brother here, but mostly you would be a ball of joy. And I think you'd ask your brother to worry less"
Dom looked at me, relieved and thankful.
"Which is why I'm going to tell them all about auntie Florence, and how you were the most fearless, joyous and caring person to walk the earth", I continued to say, because I had already promised that to myself. It wasn't even a question if I would, it was clear.
In the corner of my eye, I could see tears starting to roll down Dom's face, as he squeezed my hand in a way to say thank you.
"Auntie Flo, huh? You didn't really see that coming, did you?", Dom said, cracking a laugh. He put the sonogram picture down on the ground in front of us. "Well, you probably did. You always had a hunch. But now you know", he added, smiling brightly. I leaned my head onto his shoulder, as I felt the nausea up to my ears.
"Now you know", I quietly repeated, smiling too. Dom put his arm around my shoulders.
"Are you okay?", he asked me in a worrisome way.
"Just nauseous", I replied, taking a deep breath.
"We can go, darling", he quickly told me. I shook my head.
"No, no. I want to be here. We'll stay here as long as you need to. I'll be fine", and with that he stroked my shoulder and pulled me closer.
"Okay", he whispered to me, accepting my decision in a caring matter. "Okay"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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