// CHAPTER 8 //

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MR just stared at Walter, and Walter stared at MR. Just then Walter caught on fire. He was blazing and burning, and was disappearing into black ashes. My insides were boiling. The elevator doors opened to the next door. I ran out. Even though this wasn;t my stop, I had to escape.

"Pest??" I heard a voice. I was grabbed back to the elevator. I hit the figure as hard as I could and continued running. I Was then teleported back in the elevator and backed up a bit.

"P3ST!! WH4T W4s TH4T F0R??" Infected cried.

"INFECTED!! WATCH OUT FOR MR!!" I pointed to the stone figure. MR faced Infected and stared at him. Infected then disappeared all of a sudden. I gasped in horror.

The elevator doors opened and Mach came running to the elevator. She smashed MR with her giant hammer, as MR smashed into small pieces. MR then disappeared. Mach sighed and went back to sit down near her desk.

MR is gone. But...is he gone forever? The doors opened and I stepped out. What happened to MR? What happened to Poob? I heard my doorbell ring. I opened the door. It was Poob.

I was about to close the door, until he stepped in. "Pezt!" Poob sighed. "Pezt, I am sorry." Poob sobbed. "Wh-what do you mean?" I asked.

"Pezt, I feel guilty. I feel likez I committed a crime when I hurt your feelingz. Pezt, can you pleaze forgive me? I don't know why I am asking for your forgivenezz, but I feel guilty..."

"Poob, you never did anything wrong. If you keep apologizing, you're making me more miserable. You're not guilty. It's not your fault! It's all my fault!"

"No, Pezt. It'z all my fault-"

"Poob, stop saying sorry!!"

"-a-and i zhouldn't h-have been like th-that..."

"Poob!! Stop blaming it on yourself! Please!!"


"Poob!! Stop!!"



I was stopped from something. It felt...soft. I opened my eyes and saw Pest...kissing me? I tried to pull back, but his hand kept my head forward. My face turned red as a tomato. Pest pulled back.

"Does that make you stop apologizing now?" he asked. I just looked at him in his eyes. I tried speaking, but couldn't. "I-I..."

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