// Chapter 12 //

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"Let's go on that roller coaster!" Poob pointed to the roller coaster. We waited in line. We handed the person our tickets and went on. "P-poob..." I held his hand tightly. "I...I feel scared...roller coasters aren't really my thing...they just scare me."

"Why?" Poob asked.

"It's just...a memory. A sad memory. C-can I get off?"

"Oh, sure..." Poob said, but then the bars locked down on our bodies, and the seatbelts attached with each other tightly. I could feel my heart pounding really hard, like it was about to beat out of my chest. I held Poob's hand more tightly.

Once the ride started, I closed my eyes. I felt a bit calm...seem like I've gone. I'm in a void. Think of a peaceful place, Pest...think of your apartment...think of...


I opened my eyes and the ride was over. I got off, then thought of...


Wait...where's Poob? I looked around. More people. I took some deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. But it didn't help. People seemed to get larger and larger, blurrier and blurrier. I seemed weak. Pathetic. I ran, holding in my tears. I jumped over a small fence and continued running. I hid in a corner. I panted heavily, trying to catch my breath.

I couldn't take it anymore. I let out my tears, letting them flow down my cheeks, dropping on the floor. They seemed unstoppable. The tears blurred my vision. Everytime I blinked, they seemed to have gone down. It was like rain.

"Pest!!" I heard a voice. Poob. That must be him. I can't...get up...I feel like I'm out of control. I don't want to go back. I panted heavily again, still catching my breath.

"What's wrong, Pest?"


"Something is wrong. Do you need help?"

"...No. I'm not going to get help from a vicious monster like you."

"W-what did I even do? Are you just...weak? Pathetic?"


"Of course you would be quiet! Of course you would say nothing back! Look at you! You're a bug! You don't have a life! You're just a weak, pathetic, useless bug!"

"Go away..."

"Okay...then let's play a game...do you know what it's called? It's called...

Untitled Buckshot..."



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