// Chapter 11 //

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It was a green, glowing soup with a rock in it. Pest sniffed it. "WHAT IS THIS?!" he cried. I took a sip quietly. "Come on, Pest! It's delicious!" I smiled. I used my spoon to pick up the rock. I bit on it, and it broke. I chewed it. Funny.

The rock COULD use some salt...

"How do you even eat that?" Pest said.

"I just eat it! Why don't you try? Don't worry, it's edible! It tastes a bit bland, but it's healthy! They provide minerals!" I said.

Pest just sniffed it. "It smells like...nothing." he said. He just continued drinking the soup. "I'm done." he said. We paid for our food, then walked out. "Let's walk there. It's only a few blocks away." I said. I pointed north.

Pest pushed the button so that we could cross the road. It was mostly quiet when we were walking. "プーブ" Pest said softly. "What are you saying, Pest?" I asked. "なぜあなたはそんなにかわいくなければならないのですか...あなたは私の人生を変えました." he said.


"Oh, nothing..."

"WAIT WHERE'S MY PARTY HORN?!" I dug inside my pockets. Pest turned around and smirked a bit. The light turned green for us to walk, and once we got to the other side, I checked my other pockets. "It's gone!" I cried.

Pest smirked at me, holding my party horn. "PESTTT!!" I reached out my hand to grab it. "You forgot it on the table, so I thought I would keep it for a while." Pest laughed.

"Okay, whatever!" I put my party horn in my pocket. "We're at the amusement park!" I ran to the ticket booth and waited in the line.


I walked over to Poob. I took a deep breath and let it out. "Are you sure you want to do this? You know we can just go home and watch a movie or something..." Poob whispered. "We can do this...especially because you wanted to go..." I said.

"Oh, cool!" Poob smiled.

"How many tickets?" the person at the booth said.

"20 tickets please!" Poob smiled.

"How would you like to pay? Robux, coins or tickets?"


"700 coins please."

"O-oh...i thought it would be cheaper..."

I handed them 700 coins, and they took it. "H-how-" Poob stuttered. "Shh." I shushed him. I put my finger on his lips. Poob nodded. We got our tickets, and headed inside. "Oh my god, Pest! Thank you so much!" Poob danced.

So many people...but I'm with Poob. I'm okay, right? 

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