// Chapter 13//

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"PEST?!" Poob jumped over the fence. "PEST!!!"


I turned around and there was Poob. MR handed me the gun. I pointed it to my head and hit the trigger, praying there wasn't any ammo in that slot. There wasn't. MR reloaded the gun and pointed it to his head. He fired it. BANG! MR had a hole in the head, then collapsed.

"OH MY GOD PEST-" Poob ran over to me and hugged me tightly. "PEST, WHY'D YOU LEAVE ME??" Poob sobbed.

"I-it was too much..." I cried. I let out some more tears. "P-Poob. You don't understand. *hic* I-I lost somebody special...it was too much people...I-I couldn't take it anymore..."

I rolled into a ball and sobbed. "I-I thought I lost control for a second..."

Poob patted my back. "Listen. We don't have control of everything. We may lose control. We may get lost, and fall off our path. But the important thing is to try again. It's important to get back on your path, and continue going forward. For every problem, there is a key."

"Y-yeah, but this...this was different..."

Poob kissed me, making me blush like a tomato. "P-Poob?" I stuttered. "It's okay." he whispered, as he broke the kiss.

"Poob..." I mumbled. I hugged him, and he hugged me back.


I slowly opened my eyes, laying on my bed. I got up and blinked. I thought about last night. I looked around my house, seeing if there were any signs of Poob.

There was no Poob. The lights suddenly turned off, and there was a "gong" sound. The lights opened again, and there was MR.

"Why did you do that to me, Pest."


"Why'd you leave me? Why'd you betray me?"


MR disappeared. Suddenly, I felt...


Angry at everything.

I headed to my station, kicking a rock on the floor. I sat on the bench. The doors opened, and I stepped inside. Someone sprayed me with water, and I became angrier.

"やめろよバカ" I pushed them aside with my elbow. Other people then feared me. Walter came in. "Say, I love concrete. Alas, do you have a love for concrete as well?" Walter said.

"Who asked you..." I muttered.

"Ay, ay, chill! Is this one of your bad days today?" Walter asked.

"DOES this seem like one of my bad days?"

"Sure. Should I leave you alone?"




As the day passed on, I yelled at players. I yelled at everyone. Poob didn't seem to be picked to go on the elevator today, I'm not surprised. Maybe he had an emergency or something.

The elevator brought me back to my apartment. I laid on my bed. I opened my journal and started writing in it.

"Hi, myself.

I don't know why but I feel...angry today. I feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or surrounded by gray clouds. I feel like I'm trapped in a room and can't get control. I feel like nobody's here for me.

What was the reason for me to come here? Why do I belong here? I have to suffer these hard feelings. Nobody is here to comfort me. I'm a loner. I'm all by myself.

Nobody cares. Nobody listens. Nobody helps. Nobody doesn't even do anything to help me. So I have a question.

What is the reason for my existence?"

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