The Past, Present & Future

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~|| CHAPTER 17 ||~

"I'm smiling because I love the fact you're overthinking this entire situation."

"Overthinking? But, no matter how we dislike each other, what I did was wrong. I shouldn't even do that with an enemy of mine."

"We dislike each other? I wasn't aware of that. Glad to clear that up."

"What else did you think?"

"I thought a simple difference of opinions. If you asked me, I wouldn't use the word dislike. But, what's the use now?"

"No, I mean. What you said is correct. I'm dumb see. Please forgive me then."

Feeling as if this would grant her forgiveness, Raima made an attempt to pout cutely in front of Aahana. Aahana widened her eyes at the action.

"Oh my God. Please, stop pouting. You look like a pig."

It would be an understatement to say that Raima was offended. She gaped and squinted her eyes in anger and embarrassment.

"No pig-pig. But like pig."

"Oh my God. Thank you so much for that. I completely get the difference between pig-pig and pig." Haughtily replied Raima.

Aahana smiled discreetly before looking up in full seriousness.

"I thought you were here for my forgiveness."

Raima turned her to look at her dear sister-in-law. "Oh, yes. But, it's not like you are interested, are you? Instead, you wanna make fun of me. Rude"

"Ok. I won't make fun anymore. Continue your apology."

"Continue what? I said sorry and everything I needed to say. If you don't care for it, that's not my problem." Raima couldn't help but add.

"Actually, that's true. I don't care for it."

Raima muttered under her breath, "Of course, you don't."

"Did you say something?", inquired Aahana.

"Nope, nothing. I'll go now. I did what I came to do."


And Aahana did the most bizarre thing Raima has ever seen anyone do. She knocked on her shoulder. Literally knock on it like it's a door.

"What was that?"

Aahana confused replied, "Called you back."

"And that's how you do that. By knocking on the person's body. Why couldn't you just tap my shoulder or hold my arm to stop me from going away?"

"That's a lot of physical contact."

Raima was amused. There were so many things that she wanted to say, but she refrained herself from replying to them. She zipped her lips and bobbed her head in question.

"Why did you call me back then?"

"I wanted to explain my statement back then."

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