Gala Part.1

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~|| CHAPTER 15 ||~

Everyone screamed "Aahana" as they are abhorred at what she said, their voices a chorus of disbelief and disapproval.

Undeterred by their reaction, Aahana dismissed them with a flick of her hand, her expression unreadable as she gazed out of the tinted windows.

Meanwhile, Raima, usually known for her sharp tongue, was fuming with anger. "What kind of a woman are you?" she seethed, her words dripping with contempt. "Did you really just suggest an... ugh, I can't even say it. And you imagined it? I think you are the biggest pervert of us all."

Silence engulfed the limousine as everyone processed the gravity of Aahana's words. They knew it was wrong, and they waited for her response with bated breath.

Aahana remained quiet for the longest time, her thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind. Finally, she tried to clear out the situation, her voice barely above a whisper. "Ask..." But before she could finish, Raima rudely interrupted, her words echoing in the confined space of the car.

"Wouldn't be surprised if someone told me you were having an affair behind Rudra Bhai's back," Raima accused, her eyes narrowing as she stared daggers at Aahana.

Shock rippled through the group, their gazes shifting between the two women, especially lingering on Aahana, whose jaw clenched tightly in response.

Taking a deep breath, Aahana addressed the group, her voice resolute despite the turmoil within. "Firstly, I'm sorry for what I said. I shouldn't have said it. It was clearly not a joke," she began, her tone measured yet sincere. "Secondly, the reason why I said it is because Adhir and Rudraksh were caught in a compromising situation today as they were hitting each other playfully, and Nishant, Adhir's PA, caught them. During all this time, I was on the phone with Adhir."

She paused, her gaze sweeping over her friends before continuing. "And lastly, even if I was cheating on this guy," she pointed at Rudra, "it would definitely be with someone who's good in bed. And if I was having the best sex of my life, my face would glow, not gloom like it does now. So, no, just to clarify, I'm not having an affair with anyone. Thank you for letting me speak."

With her words hanging in the air, a heavy silence descended upon the group once more, each of them grappling with the weight of Aahana's revelation. And as the limousine continued its journey through the glittering city streets, the bonds of friendship were tested, but ultimately strengthened by honesty and vulnerability.

As the tension inside the limousine reached its peak, Aahana's resolve remained steadfast. "And lastly, driver, stop the car," she commanded, her voice cutting through the heated exchanges.

"Di..." Aahana signaled Anaisha to hold her thoughts, and the driver, sensing her authority, obediently brought the car to a halt.

Stepping out onto the deserted road, Aahana approached the driver with purpose, her steps echoing against the silence that enveloped the night. "How far away is the venue?" she inquired, her tone measured yet urgent.

The driver, a hint of sheepishness coloring his response, answered, "It's right in front of you. Just a kilometer more."

"Ok," Aahana acknowledged briskly before setting off alone down the isolated road, determination etched into every stride.

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