Fighting Back

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~|| CHAPTER 7||~

"Bhai, bhai, we were just fooling around here. We didn't wanna disturb anyone. Promise," said Reyansh adorably. His heart always harbored a tiny little fear of his older brother. He straightened his posture, a resolve to maintain his innocence etching into his features. His words were punctuated with an assertive yet hesitant smile, a mix of confidence and nervousness that betrayed the intricate dance of emotions within.

"Oh really, Rudra? Anaisha, that's what you were doing, right?"

"Huh, yes, yes, Bhai. What Reyansh said." Her heart quickened its pace, and her words felt slightly faltered, a reflection of the mixture of respect and apprehension she held towards him. She couldn't help but cast furtive glances in his direction, carefully gauging his reactions.

"You two hooligans. Lying to me, huh?"

"It was his fault." & "It was her fault." bombarded the corridors of the mansions. The couple started bickering as if it was the last thing on Earth to do. They hurled "It was your idea." phrases up to the point of insanity.

"My fault? You were the one who gave the idea," screamed Anaisha.

"Idea was given by me but who told you to listen? You chose to act upon it is not my fault." yelled back Reyansh.

"You were the one who was encouraging me. And now? Huh. Evil human. See bhai, you should have never gotten him into acting. See, how convincing he looks."

"Telling the truth isn't acting. I'm not lying, Bhai. You trust me, right?"

"Bhai, don't believe him. He is a cunning person. He is putting me in the problem."

In the meantime, startled by the escalating voices seeping through the door, Aahana's brows furrowed and her lips tightened in a mixture of irritation and concern. With a determined exhale, she swung the door open, her expression an immediate reflection of her growing anger. Her eyes flashed a stormy intensity that conveyed her displeasure, as she confronted the source of the commotion.

"And here you are, defending him in front of me. Well, well, how have the tables turned? Good, support him more." replied Aahana.

"Di, you are here. I was coming to talk to you only. Di, listen." pleaded Anaisha.

"I have heard enough. Nice plan, by the way. Convincing me by the one way I hate the most. Go on, please. I would like to see this."

"Aahana, enough. It's been days since Anaisha has been asking for your forgiveness. Forgive her already. You know there is no use overextending this argument, you both are going to lose precious time only at the end." howled Rudra. A storm of frustration and disbelief darkened his features as he observed his wife's dismissive attitude towards her sister. His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed, a mixture of disappointment and anger churning within him. The nonchalant demeanor she displayed ignited a fire of incredulity within him, a sense of disbelief that she could be so callous towards her flesh and blood. His voice, though measured, held an unmistakable edge as he addressed her, his words laced with a blend of exasperation and concern.

"Rudra, how many fingers do you see?" saying which Aahana fisted her palm tightly and shoved it in front of Rudra's face. A distant expression settled over her features, her gaze unfocused as if her thoughts were wandering far from the conversation at hand. As her husband's words flowed, her lack of engagement became evident in the vacant nod she offered and the absentminded twirl of her hair around her finger. It was as if a curtain had fallen between them, her detachment a palpable barrier that separated her from his words.

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