Characters & Introductions

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Hello, everyone! I'm a first-time author who is absolutely in love with all the multicouple books out there

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Hello, everyone! I'm a first-time author who is absolutely in love with all the multicouple books out there. I won't be revealing anymore personal information about myself anymore. I'd just say I'm an avid reader who enjoys reading anything usually. From paperback to Wattpad, I have read them all.

This is my first ever novel that i'm going to write. It might take a long time to complete it so bear with me. What I can tell you though is that it would be a long story ( 60-70 chapters, for sure). Writing a book has always been a dream of mine that i've harboured for a really long time in my life.


Rudraksh Saxena

30-year's oldCEO of Saxena Enterprises  (Is obsessed with the right-side eg

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30-year's old
CEO of Saxena Enterprises
(Is obsessed with the right-side eg. right side of the bed)

"Invest in yourself. It pays the best interest."

Ahaana Saxena (neé Mittal)

28 year's oldCEO of BioMystique Innovations (Bioinformatics Company)(Can't stand swear words)

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28 year's old
CEO of BioMystique Innovations (Bioinformatics Company)
(Can't stand swear words)

"Minding my female owned business."

The Saxena ComplexityWhere stories live. Discover now