Were you dropped as a baby?

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And, it's my birthday. So a new update for you all.

~|| CHAPTER 10 ||~

A voice on the other end finally answered with a tentative "Hello," Raima's emotions swelled uncontrollably. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice quivered as she replied, "It's me." It was a simple greeting, but it held the weight of countless memories and unspoken emotions. The floodgates of nostalgia and longing burst open, and Raima couldn't hold back her tears. In the two words, the fragile connection rekindled after so many years, a torrent of emotions flowed, and her heart overflowed with joy, sadness, and a profound sense of reunion.

"Excuse me, who's this?" flowed a voice from the other side of the phone after listening to the cries of Raima. The person was confused, she had no idea who was on the other side of the phone and wanted to find out. But Raima was in no condition to answer a question as she sobbed uncontrollably. Months of pain and anguish broke the sturdy dam of resilience and let go. Her eyes were crowded with tears and she kept on sniffing rather loudly every 5 seconds.

The person on the other side of the phone call had enough. Her time was being wasted by Raima who had not uttered a single word in the past 10 minutes. She threatened Raima.

"God, who are you? Otherwise, I will hang up."

That brought Raima out of her reverie, and she answered rather hastily.

"It's me, Raima. Raima. Your sister, Raima. I.....I....missed you Jhanvi Di. I missed you."

Jhanvi's heart skipped a beat. It was her name-sister, Raima, whom she had given up hope of ever reconnecting with. Jhanvi was stunned, her mind struggling to reconcile the past with the present. Her shock was palpable in the silence that followed, as she clutched the phone tightly, the sound of her sister's voice echoing through the years, rekindling a bond she had thought was lost forever. In that poignant moment, time seemed to stand still. Jhanvi remained silent, her emotions too overwhelming for words. She closed her eyes, allowing the timbre of Raima's voice to wash over her like a soothing balm. It was as if their shared history, with all its joys and sorrows, was being whispered back to her through the telephone line. Tears too welled in Jhanvi's eyes, but she held back, choosing to remain silent, cherishing this unexpected reunion and the precious connection they had found in the echoes of their shared memories.

With a heart overflowing with stories untold, Raima began to speak, her voice a melodic blend of joy and sorrow. She told Jhanvi all of what happened to her in the past 6 months. She told her about Rakshita, Adhir, and everyone in the Saxena Mansion. She described each one of them to her and their relationship with her, practically she told her everything. She embarked on a journey through the months, recounting every moment that had transpired since they last saw each other. At that moment, Jhanvi felt like she had been living with Raima all these months, experiencing each of the moments Raima kept talking about.

As Raima poured her heart out, her words flowing like a river of memories, a sudden, unexpected knock on the door shattered the intimate cocoon of her storytelling. Her voice faltered, and she cast a wary glance at the door, her senses tingling with caution. The room, once a sanctuary of nostalgia, now felt vulnerable, as if an intruder had breached the sacred space of her confessions. With a furrowed brow and a hushed tone, she leaned closer to the phone held near her, her words now laced with suspicion, wondering if someone had been eavesdropping on her conversation with her Jhanvi.


A strange, eerie silence had enveloped Rudrana's room after Anaisha left. Aahana stared at the door longingly as if to call back Anaisha at this very moment. With a huge shake of her head, Aahana looked away from the door and spoke rather loudly and amusingly.

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