ancient elf language

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I think that word means earth, and that word means root. If I read it this way again, the sentence is like this: To learn the emperor's magic, you must become the soil and let the magic grow in your roots.

I don't really understand what it is, but I think it must be the right way. I'll ask the witch if I'm right.

"Master, I understand that what it says here is that in order to learn the emperor's magic, you must become the soil and let the magic grow in your roots"

"That word means earth. Well done. As expected of my student."

"Now that I've turned this page, will you teach me magic?"

"First translate a whole book and then I'll teach you a spell of your choice."

"Old witch, you said the same thing when I translated the last book, didn't you? I've been your apprentice for 5 months already and you haven't taught me anything "

"If you want to learn magic, be good and finish the translation of this book first. However, you are even more skilled in ancient languages than I expected, perhaps you can become a king of magic in the future."

"King of magic? What's that?"

"A level of sorcery that only five wizards have reached in the current time period"

"Why don't they teach others these math formulas and make more king-level wizards? Isn't wizardry about math?"

"Oh that, that's just a rumor."


"As I said, it's not real knowledge. It's just a lie passed down by the nobles generations ago to make the peasants give up the dream of witchcraft."

False information, huh? I guess I can understand, in a medieval world like this, power is everything. For the nobles to maintain their position, they have to make sure they're more powerful than the commoners.

"And tell me how my ability to translate has anything to do with witchcraft?"

"The biggest benefit of being able to translate will be that you will be able to read any ancient spell books you find or buy. There is no one in this country who knows the ancient elven language except you and me."

" E.. E .. Elf !!! "

"Have you ever heard the word elf?"

Ahhh, I got too excited. Remember, Yuto, you're just a peasant boy. There's no way you've heard of things like elves.

"No, I've never heard of it. Sounds like a cool spell name, though."

" Hahaha. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Elves became extinct 500 years ago because "

What? Elves are extinct? But what about my side quest? The reward for living for hundreds of years? And you're not an elf? Or are you some kind of fake elf?

"That's not the point now. As for how I know you're a good wizard. Look at the flower on the table where you're studying the ancient book."

The subject is, of course, elves. What could be more important than virgin forest guardians with huge breasts, each more beautiful than the next, and what does the flower on the table have to do with it?

When I turned my head and looked at the flower on the wooden table where I always sit and translate, I saw that the rose-like flower with red and blue leaves looked more vibrant than usual today.

"It is indeed a beautiful flower, but I don't see how this is a test of ability"

"You realize that this is a test of skill, which is something. That flower didn't look so beautiful when you first came here. First of all, you should know that mana is the most important part of nature. The higher a person's affinity with mana, the greater nature's love for him."

"Get to the point"

"If you are very close to mana, a wilted flower can regain its vigor after standing next to you for a long time. There is even a legend about Alphenzo, the emperor of magic. The legend says that if they put a dead tree branch next to the room where he practiced magic, in five days it would become a magnificent world tree."


"That's cool. I'm not a big fan of flowers, but I'd like to have this talent. "

"Anyway, you're done for the day. Go home so your mom doesn't worry."

What about the elves? We were going to talk about them...


Slphia quietly muttered a spell and waved her hand slightly as Yuto put on his thick coat made of sheepskin to protect himself from the winter cold. As soon as the spell was completed, thousands of different colored flowers that had pierced the snowdrifts around the apothecary withered and turned to ash

"This child's affinity with mana is increasing day by day. I thought that people's closeness to mana is confirmed at birth... I wonder... "

"Did you say something, master?"

"Ahah, I asked you what you want to eat tomorrow."

"Anything to do with wheat is enough, master. See you on Monday, master."

"See you, Yuto.

------- (ten days later)

"Master! I've finished the translation. Now teach me how to use magic"

"Hoo, are you done? Let me see."

Slphia looked at her little student in amazement as he read the spell book in the language of the ancient elves. It was extraordinary that a child his age could understand the ancient elven language at this level. Yuto's peers were still developing their speaking skills.

"I have something important to tell you."

"Tell me, master."

"Even if I teach you how to cast spells, in order to cast spells, you must first be five years old and have received a blessing from the church. The mana veins in the body of a person who has not received a blessing are very confused. You must first receive a blessing and wait for a while for the mana vessels to be properly organized. After receiving the blessing, your mana veins will be in order as your body continues to develop. usually people become able to use magic when they are about 12-13 years old "


Wait, wait, wait, wait, the system can't have given me an impossible task, right? Wait a minute, let me check the task one more time.

After double-checking the mission a few times, Yuto easily realized what the problem was. Although Yuto didn't realize it, the more he did the repetitive task that increased his magical ability, the faster his mind worked, so learning the ancient language was less difficult than it should have been.

What Yuto realized was that the task the system had given him told him to learn magic. Realizing that he could do the task without using magic, Yuto told his master again that he wanted to learn magic

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