7: ignore

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The winter break was over and classes started again. All the boy's were now in their finally year of highschool.

Jungkook stopped right outside the school gate and took a deep breath staring at it. It's been a week since Taehyung's birthday, when they found our they are eachothers soulmates.

He walked to his class and universe really must hate him because right infront of him was none other than Taehyung.

Both of them stopped and stared at eachother.

Jungkook's hands balled into fist by his side. It's after a whole week that he got to look at his mate, and feel his presence. And no, he doesn't hate Taehyung any less just because he's his mate. He still hates him but it's the instincts, the need his body feels to be close to his mate all the time. He subconsciously took a step forward.

I would rather stay mateless than accept you as my mate!

He looked away and then entered the classroom.

While Taehyung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Fuck. He absolutely hates feeling this way. Specially for Jungkook out of all people. The feeling of wanting to be close to the other, of wanting to run towards him and hold him in his arms. He hates, hates, hates it.

When Jungkook took a step forward with that look in his eyes, his fucking heart seriously fluttered in his chest thinking he was walking up to him but he wasn't. He felt relieved the other didn't because he would rather die than be involved with Jeon Jungkook in a relationship.

He entered the classroom and saw Jungkook sitting at his usual place. He hesitated a little, before taking his seat beside the other. It's good that they atleast have single tables and chairs for everyone.

Everyone stood up to greet the teacher when he entered.

"You guy's are seniors now, so I expect all of you to behave. And Jungkook, congrats on topping the class."

Jungkook bowed his head a little towards the teacher, while the other students clapped for him, well except Taehyung.

"Sir, aren't you changing our seats for this year?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook felt relieved at the suggestion. This is what he has wanted for the past year, ever since Taehyung and he was placed next to eachother. But yet, his hold tightened on the pen he was holding at his question, in an emotion he didn't want to acknowledge.

"Your seats? I don't think that's necessary. This is the last year anyway." The teacher said, "Ok, let's start the lesson."


Jin sipped on his juice while he stared at the new pair of mates, who were currently trying their level best to ignore eachother.

"How long do you both plan on ignoring eachother?"

"Forever." Both of them said together.

Jin rolled his eyes while Jimin sighed.

"Guy's. You both are mates. You can't ignore eachother like this and expect things to become normal."

"I can try."

"Oh please." Yoongi said, "Stop acting like kids and solve this shit out. You guys are mates and you know what that means? You are meant for eachother."

"Shut up Yoongi. You won't understand."

"Why not? All of us here were paired up and look at us? We are happy."

Jungkook scoffed, "oh please, yoon. You always had a crush on Jimin, don't think I didn't notice."

"And Jin always had a crush on Namjoon."

Jin's eyes widened, "Taehyung, what the fuck dude?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, "see? All of us had feelings for eachother even before we found out we are mates. That's the thing. Have you guys never had any other feelings-"

"Absolutely fucking not."

"Don't you dare complete that sentence."

"There would atleast be a reason why you guy's hate eachother so much right?" Hoseok asked.

"Whatever." Jungkook said, "it's his fault anyway."

Taehyung scoffed in disbelief, "bitch, my fault? You are the one who walked away!"

"Well you are the one who pushed me away!"

"Atleast you could've tried to understand-"

"Understand? You act all bitchy and then expect me to understand?" Jungkook scoffed, "but then again, what more can I expect from a self centred ass like you."

"You fucker-"

The rest of the boy's sighed as they watched the two mates curse the fuck out of eachother.


ughhhh writer's block suck

there's some stuff going on in my life these days n I'm sick as well so I couldn't come with shit to write

took me so long to publish this chapter n it's so short as well T_T please bear with me :')

took me so long to publish this chapter n it's so short as well T_T please bear with me :')

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jin is finally back home 😭

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jin is finally back home 😭

all of the members took a day off to welcome jin :( I missed my loves so much 😭💗

it's their 11th anniversary already in less than 24 hours n jin's event of hugging army's to thank them for staying 😭 (I'm so jealous it's insane)

I wish the other members could've been there as well but oh well :')

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