12. guilty as sin

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chapter 12
guilty as sin
"am i allowed to cry?"

finney answered the ringing phone, "hello? bruce? billy- paperboy?"

no one answers and the phone just clicks, signalling someone ending the call.

finney hangs the phone back up on the wall and goes towards the plate of food to shovel what he can back on the plate for him and avery.

they eat a bit and then lay down to rest. they sleep, curled up together until they're awoken to the sound of liquid dripping.

looking around, neither of them see anything, so finney turns the flashlight at the bottom of his rocket ship on and slowly shines it across the room.

once he reaches the corner of the room, both him and avery jump back with a gasp, for there floated the body of a young boy, blood dripped down his neck and his eyes were vacant.

the floating body pointed to the phone where avery answered, "hello?"

when she got no reply, they turned back to the corner to find the body had gone.

"hello? hello?" the red head asked again, hands shaking as she began losing hope.

that's when a soft, young voice answered, "you don't have much time. the grabber hasn't been sleeping. he thinks this might be it. that he's gonna figure it out."

"who's gonna figure it out?" avery asked whilst finney leant closer to hear the conversation.

the shaky voice replied, "his brother upstairs." the child then laughed in a menacing manner.

"are you griffin?" avery recalled the youngest victim she read in the paper.

"who?" the boy asked.

avery offered his full name, "griffin stagg."

"probably." he answered shortly, "it's all a little hazy, but i imagine you know all our names."

"every kid does." avery glanced to finney, who's face was close to hers, causing a faint blush to creep onto her pale cheeks, "i din't know you." she continues.

"nobody did." griffin answers and avery's heart sinks a little bit, "you spend so many years invisible, and then every kid in the state knows your name."

there's a brief moments of silence before griffin's voice breaks through again.

"you don't have much time." he says again.

"why hasn't he killed me and finney?" avery questions.

"you won't play the game." griffin answers as of it's obvious, "you have to play the game. if you don't play, he can't win."

"what game?"

"naughty boy. if you don't play naughty boy, the grabber can't beat you. and if he can't beat you, he can't move on to the next part. and the next part of naughty boy is his favourite part." griffin explains to the two kids listening.

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