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Y/N's POV:

Ughh!! Will I ever get a break? The files pilled up in my desk doesn't seem to end any way soon. I didn't sign up for this but this job pays me enough, like more than any other job would do, so I gotta keep up with it, after all I myself chose this.

I stretch my hands above in the air and tilt my head left to right as I hear my neck bones crack.

"Wanna go get some coffee?" Sung asks me as I look at him and my expression says his answer as he got up from his desk and so am I and we walked to the coffee machine near the cafeteria.

"It's a lot to do today." He says as I take a sip of my hot brew.

"Guess we are working late tonight."

"Did you hear that? The younger son is coming here today." One of the girl staff said.

"I guess he's going to take over here." Another one said.

"What are they talking about?" I ask Sung but before he could speak, my eyes moved to the way where all the other staffs looking and it was suddenly dead silent.

The office buzz fell into an uncanny silence as our hot, young new boss strode towards us with an air of unshakeable confidence.

My heart pounded in my chest as I stood rooted to the spot, unable to tear my eyes away from him. His sharp suit and effortless charm made him look like he'd stepped straight out of a magazine.

Around me, colleagues exchanged nervous glances, their usual chatter replaced by an anxious stillness. It was as if the very air had thickened, each of us caught in a mix of admiration and intimidation.

His presence was magnetic, commanding, and as he approached, the world seemed to narrow down to just him and the promise-or threat-of what he might say next.

As he drew closer, his intense gaze swept over the room, making each of us feel as if we were under a microscope. My palms grew sweaty, and I could hear my own breath, shallow and quick. His eyes met mine for a fraction of a second, and a shiver ran down my spine.

Was that a hint of a smile playing on his lips, or was it my imagination?

He finally stopped, just a few feet away, and the silence became almost deafening. Every head was turned in his direction, every eye on him, waiting for him to speak. The anticipation was electric, the fear palpable.

"Good morning, everyone," he said, his voice smooth and authoritative. "I hope you're ready for the big announcement."

His words hung in the air, and for a moment, nobody moved. Then, as if a spell had been broken, the room erupted into murmurs and whispers, the tension dissipating slightly but not entirely.

I forced myself to breathe, to relax, but his presence lingered like a physical touch, leaving me both awestruck and uneasy.

In that moment, I knew one thing for certain: life in this office was never going to be the same.

"The GOD is here." Sung whispered as I shoo him by elbowing him in his arm but that caught our boss, PARK JIMIN's attention.

It's as if his eyes were all around the room watching everyone around him in the corner of his eye.

"I want everyone in my meeting room now." He commanded and we all headed to where he asked us to.

We all gathered in the long hallway as he stood above the podium ready to deliver his words.

As the meeting progressed, his charisma and confidence captivated the room, drawing everyone in with his words. Despite the initial tension, there was an undeniable magnetism to his presence that kept us all hanging on his every word.

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