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Jimin's POV:

As I was diligently working on my computer, my eyes inadvertently drifted towards Y/N, who was also engrossed in her work at her own computer. A warm smile formed my lips as I watched her, appreciating the fact that her desk was positioned directly in front of mine.

This proximity allowed me the comfort of being able to see her whenever I wanted, which brought me an unexpected sense of joy and contentment.

Realizing how I might come across if anyone noticed my lingering gaze, I quickly looked away and decided to call her on her desk phone. Picking up my office phone, I dialed her extension and waited for her to answer.

When she did, I calmly asked her to come to my office, maintaining a professional tone to mask the personal delight I had just experienced.

A few moments later, I heard a soft knock on my office door.

"Come in," I called out.

Y/N entered with a polite smile. "You wanted to see me boss?"

"Yes, please have a seat," I gestured to the chair in front of my desk, realising this is the first time I have asked her to sit.

"I wanted to go over the latest project updates with you. How is everything progressing on our end?"

She nodded, her focus entirely on the work discussion. "Everything is on track. We've made significant progress in the last few days."

I nodded thinking what to ask her next. This has never happened when I didn't know what to talk about and here I'm finding ways just to talk to her?

What is happening to me? Why am I doing this?

"Is there anything you want to know more?" she asks waiting for me to speak.

"Yeah..um...where's your bracelet?", my words caught her off-guard as she looks at her bare wrist.

Wrong question Jimin!

"I didn't wear it to the office, it didn't go with the outfit."

"You should wear that, it looked good on you." I said as she nodded, in the meanwhile Kiara knocks on the door as I called out 'come in' she held the files I asked her to get me.

"Here are the files you asked me." She said handing me the files and smiles looking at Y/N.

"Okay you can go now." I said to Y/N as she looks at Kiara in a expression which more seemed like a disappointment or sad? And then she leaves the office with the expression I couldn't quite understand and that was clearly got unnoticed by Kiara.

Y/N's POV:

As I stepped out of the office, a heavy cloud of sadness and disappointment hung over me. My footsteps felt heavier with each step, and my mind was a whirlwind of confusion and hurt.

I had noticed the same bracelet on Kiara's wrist-the very bracelet I had thought Jimin had specially chosen for me.

The delicate charm bracelet, with its intricate design and subtle sparkle, had seemed so personal when Jimin handed it to me. I had cherished it, believing it was a token of his unique affection, a symbol that he saw me as someone special knowing I'm talking absolutely delusional but his actions made me feel that way, he's being too sweet to me lately which is doing nothing but feeding more to my delusions.

But now, seeing it on Kiara's wrist shattered that illusion. Had I been mistaken all along? Perhaps it was nothing more than a casual, impersonal gift he had given to both of us.

A pang of sorrow pierced my heart. As I walked back to my desk, the office environment seemed to blur around me. Colleagues moved about, engaged in their tasks, but I felt isolated in my sadness.

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