"Love Scent"

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After their wedding,  the two went to Jeju Island for their honeymoon. Jin Woo is driving while holding Jin Ah's hand. "I'm so happy that you're officially my wife now..." He said and kiss her hand. Jin Ah chuckled and rest her head on the headboard. "Me too... Honestly, I never thought that I will get married." She said. "Waeyo?" He asked. "Nothing, I don't like to get married but when I met you, my vision about getting married was suddenly change... I want to stay with you and love you everyday,  that's what I always thought since we're together." Jin Ah said. Jin Woo feel his face blushed. He open his car window,  "I Love You,  Yoon Jin Ah my wife!!!" He shouted.  Jin Ah let out a peal of laughter while trying to stop him. "Yah! It's embarassing..." She said. "Why? I'm proud to have a beautiful and kind wife..." He said. Jin Ah smile and pinch him on his cheek,  "I love you..." She said. 

They stop for a moment at the sea side. They running and playing on the waves that hit on the shore. Jin Woo carry her and he run towards the water. They both laugh when the waves hit them. Their laughter and giggles filled the entire area.

Jin Woo make sure that he's always holding her hands. He smile while looking at their wedding ring on her finger.

Jin Woo place his coat on the sand and let Jin Ah sit on it.  He bought some snack like tteokbeokki, mandu, chicken, burger, pizza and odeng. Jin Woo is happily watching his wife happily eating. He open the bottle of water for her. He place his hand on her tummy and gently touching it. "Just eat as much as you wanted,  my baby... I'll buy everything for you..." He said. Jin Ah smile while looking to Jin Woo. "It will be okay to you if I'll get fat? " Jin Ah said. Jin Woo look at her. "I don't care... In my eyes you will always be beautiful.." He whispered. Jin Woo kiss her and Jin Ah close her eyes and feel his warm kiss. Jin Woo gently bite her lower lips. "I think I need some cold shower right now..." He said. Jin ah look at him with puzzlement,  "Waeyo?" She asked. Jin Woo finds her cute in her innocence. "Let's get swim together..." He said and he immediately carry her and walk fast towards the water. "Yah! Yoon Jin Woo!!!.." Jin Ah shouted and they both soak in the sea.

Jin Woo splash some water on her then Jin Ah splash back. They both giggling and laughing. 

At this moment, they live like a normal couple who are happily married to each other. They don't care what the future will bring,  what important for them is they're both love each other and their willingness to fight for their love. 


At France....

"Yah! Why you told to Ms. Yoo that you're Jin Woo's girlfriend? " Mrs. Kim said. "What if, he has a girlfriend already? Then what will you do?" She added. Yi Kyung stood up and look at herself through the mirror. "Relax! Knowing Jin Woo. He's crazy over me..  Im sure he's waiting on me and beg me to stay with him." Yi Kyung said. "I don't think he will have a girlfriend after me. I'm  the only one for him and I'm sure of it." Yi Kyung said then she smirked.

"Don't be too confident,  Yi Kyung... You never know how the fate is tricky... " Mrs. Kim said and left her alone inside the room. Yi Kyung rolled her eyes. "Wait for me,  Jin Woo... We're getting back together when I arrive in Seoul." Yi Kyung said.


Jin Ah amused by the house infront of her. "Wow... It's pretty... Is this one of your rest house?" She said. They just came back from Jeju Island.

It's like a traditional house in korea. It has garden, a cherry blossom at it's center. "You like it?" He asked. Jin Ah nodded. Jin Ah slowly walking around  while touching the flowers around her. "This is our new home,  Jin Ah.." He said. Jin Ah turn around to face him, "are you serious?" She said. Jin Woo hug her and kiss her. "I bought this while we're in japan. I bought this by the money I earn on my work there and I sold some of my paintings." He said. "I want you and our baby to live in a comfortable life...so Im happy that you like our new home.." He said. Jin Ah smile with her pair of eye smile. "How lucky I am to have you, Jin Woo. Im sure you will be a good and loving father for our baby... Thank you for always making me happy." She said and hug him. Jin Woo feel her warm hug. "Let's stay like this... Promise me, we'll always stay like this even life throws us the biggest stone, Arasso?" She said. Jin Woo kiss her. "We will... We'll holding each other's hand and never let go... "He said. 

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