"Letting go"

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Side Story

Jin Ah is on the hotel crying the whole time. She look at the glass window and see the hospital building from the outside.

She smile when she recall how she first met him.

Their first talked at the elevator.
When he wants to have her cupcakes...
When he first fetched her at her work.  

Their first kiss and their first intimate night...

When he knew that she's pregnant...

She cries when she recall how Jin Woo suddenly became cold to her. She saw the divorce paper inside her bag.

"Did you really want to be free from me?" She said. Her emotions burst out.

"Why I need to pay for my mother's sin? Why the loneliness of the past still haunting me?" She shouted.

"Appa..." She cried. "Jin Woo..." She said.


Three years ago

Jin Ah woke up in a gun shot. She immediately went to his father room and she was so shocked to see her father lying on the floor with his own blood.

"Appa!!!!" She shouted.  She immediately run towards her and hold his hand. "Help!!"she Shouted. Appa.... Please open your eyes..." She cried.

In the funeral, Mr. Han is always there  for her even Mi Do and Ji Hyun.

"Jin Ah... The police officer found this letter inside your father's drawer." Mr. Han said. Jin Ah take it and read it .

My sweet Jin Ah,

Im sorry if I left you alone in this life... You know how much I love you,  right? You're always been a blessing to me... Always remember you are not a mistake,  arasso?

Im sorry,  Appa couldn't make it... Please be strong my daughter... Love freely but don't be just like me...

I hope you found a guy that will love you and you also love him.

Forgive your mother,  Jin Ah... She's a good woman and a good mother to you... Don't let your hatred fill your heart,  Arasso? 

Saranghaeyo my sweet Jin Ah


Jin Ah cries and hug his letter. "Appa... Saranghaeyo..." She whispered.

End of flashback.

Jin Ah cries and look at herself in the mirror. "Yoon Jin Ah... It's time to let go the past..." She whispered.


Present days

"What are you doing here?" Jung Nan said as she was so surprised that Jin Ah went to her unit. "Eomma... Calm down... Jin Ah eonnie wants to talk to you... Can you please talk to her without any hates?" Jung Min said. "Mrs Yoo, can you spare me some time today... I have something to tell you." Jin Ah said. Jung Nan look at her.

"Leave us..." Jung Nan said.  Her bodyguard and secretary went outside. "You too,  Jung Min." She said.  "But Eomma.." Jung Min protest. "I'm okay,  Jung Min... Thank you for always been here for me." Jin Ah said. "Arasso... Call me immediately if something happen." Jung Min said. Jin Ah let out a small smile as she nodded. 

"What do you want?" Jung Nan said when they left alone in the room. "Please, let me stay to Jin Woo today... I want to spend my whole day with him." She said. Jung Nan look at her. "This will be my last request,  Mrs. Yoo.." She said. Jung Nan got shocked she look away and drink her wine. "Arasso... But after this, don't you ever come here in the hospital..." She said. Jin Ah nodded,  "Yes..." She said as she try to control her emotions.

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