"Between a mother and a son"

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Side story

The doctor let Jin Ah to went home when her condition became okay but she still needs to take extra caution everyday. Jin Woo hired a stay out helper to do the household chores like cleaning and cooking. Jin Woo is went to the groceries when he has time to buy their needs while Mrs. Lee is taking care of Aljun.

"Jin Ah, don't be so stubborn... You need to listen on your doctor's advice for the safety of your baby." Mrs. Lee said when Jin Ah try to carry Aljun. "But Mrs. Lee... I really miss to carry my son." She said. Mrs. Lee smile, "Your pregnancy is  more sensitive than before so we must listen to your doctor. You already knew how hard it is when you got pregnant to Aljun." Mrs. Lee said.

"Just relax and sit here... I will make ramen for you, I heard that you're craving on it." Mrs. Lee said. Jin Ah let out a small smile. "Arasso... Thank you, Mrs. Lee." She said.

Jin Ah smile as she recalled how Jin Woo is onhand on taking care of her in her pregnancy. He make sure that everything is done before he went to work. Even on taking a bath, Jin Woo is with her assisting her.


"Yah! I'll get to use on this when you continue doing this, Jin Woo.." She said. They're both on the bathtub that time. Jin woo scrubbing her back. "Then get to use of this... I told you, I will take care of you and our babies." He said. Jin Ah let out a sweet smile. "You're back is so damn sexy, my wife..." He whispered. Jin Ah laugh when she feel his small little kisses on her neck upto her back. "Mr. Yoo, you need to stop... You had an early meeting today, remember?" Jin Ah said. Jin Woo let out a deep sigh. "I forgot... I'll continue it later..." He said. Jin Ah's giggles and laughter filled the entire room.


Presents days

Jin Woo left early because of some urgent matter at their company. After her conversation between Ara about the cake shop, Jin Ah went to living room to play with her son who is currently watching educational show on television. Mrs. Lee went to the Mr. Han hotel room to visit him and cook a food for him.

"Last one, Aljun..." Jin Ah said and Aljun take the last bite of his food. Aljun clap his hands happily. "Very good, baby..."She said happily. "Wait me here... I'll get you water, Arasso?"She said. She carry Aljun and put him on his crib. Jin Ah felt her abdomen tightening. She stop for awhile and rest. 

Minutes have been passed when their door bell rings. She immediately went to the door and assume it is Mrs. Lee. Her eyes widen when she saw someone so familiar to her.

"Mrs. Yoo..." Jin Ah said.

Jung Nan look at her. "May I come in?" She said. Jin Ah open the door widely and let her come in. She feel anxious but she try to ignore it. She take a deep breath before she close the door.

Meanwhile,  Jin Woo is busy his office.  After his meeting with some Japanese  businessmen, he immediately went to his office to review the launching on their new product.

He heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in.." He said without looking at the door and continue browsing on his laptop.

"Oppa..." Jung Min called.

Jin Woo look at her and let out a small smile.

"You seem so busy. Did I disturb you?" Jung Min said. Jin Woo rest his back on his swivel chair. "No, it's okay... Sit down." He said. Jung Min smile and seated on the chair infront of his table. "I'm sorry on what happened on the hospital last time." Jin Woo said. Jung Min let out a small smile. "It's okay, I understand you. If I were on your shoes, for sure I also did the same way." Jung Min said. Jin Woo smile because his sister is very understanding when it comes to him.

"Is Jin Ah Eonnie is okay? I went to the hospital but the doctor told me that she's been check out already." Jung Min said. "Yes she is but she still need to be more careful because her pregnancy is more sensitive than the last time. I'm sorry if I didn't inform you about it." He said. "If you want I will take care of her while I'm here in japan. And also I want to see and play with my nephew." She said. Jin Woo smile, "Arasso... You can go to our apartment whenever you want." He said. Jung Min let out a wide smile.

"How about, Eomma?" Jung Min said. Jin Woo smile faded. He return his attention to his laptop. Jung Min hold him on his arm. "Oppa... Can we forget the past? It's been years since you didn't talk to each other." Jung Min said. Jin Woo let out a deep sigh before he speak. "Jung Min, you know how Eomma treated my wife before. And she also the reason why Jin Ah force to left me." He said. "I'm going to choose my happiness now and I couldn't have it if I'll let her interfere with my life again." He added.

"But Oppa she still our mother. I don't tell you to let her interfere in your life with Eonnie. But please try to forgive her and don't remove her in your life. It's hurt to see you and Eomma just like that, ignoring each other." Jung Min said and she become emotional. Jin Woo look at her. "Jung Min..." He said.

Jung Min cried.

"Oppa... I know our mother's sin is unforgivable but she still our mother. Can you give her another chance this time? Eomma told me that she's not the person who behind on Eonnie's accident before and I  do believe it." Jung Min said. "Maybe she's cold-hearted mother but to kill someone, it's not her thing and you know it." She added.

His phone suddenly beep and he see Mrs. Lee's number registered on the screen. He immediately read her message.

Jin Woo can you go home early today? Mr. Han fainted and I decide to stay here for today. I was worried because I left Jin Ah and Aljun alone in the apartment and she's not taking my calls right now.

From: Mrs. Lee

Jin Woo immediately stood up and take his things on his bag. "Waeyo?" Jung Min said. "I need to go home today, Jin Ah is all alone with Aljun in the house." He said. "Arasso can I go with you?" Jung Min said. Jin Woo nodded.


When they reach the apartment hallway, Jin Woo still trying to call Jin Ah but her phone still keeps on ringing. "Maybe she's too busy on taking care of Aljun. Relax, Oppa." Jung Min said.

Jin Woo open the door and saw the doctor who is incharge to Jin Ah's pregnancy inside and talking to his mother as she carry Aljun.

They both shocked.

"What happened? Why are you here doctor? Where's my wife?" He asked. Jung Nan look at him. "Eomma, what are you doing here?" Jung Min said.

"She's okay now, Mr. Yoo. She felt severe abdominal pain earlier but luckily your mother called me and I was in a near by coffee shop so she immediately got treated." The doctor explain. Jin Woo look at his mother. "What did you do to her?" He shouted. "Oppa!" Jung Min said as she try to stop him.

"Jin Woo..." Jung Nan called him.

"If something happen to her and to our baby, I swear I will never forgive you." He said.

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