Jake's loneliness.

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"Everything is going great with me and I don't have any problem. I am really good." Jake said. Richy knew that something is wrong but he is not able to understand what. Richy Knew that no matter how many times he questions him about it but Jake will not share his issue with him. After having dinner Richy made coffee and went near Jake.
Richy wanted to talk to Jake but he knows that he can't talk to him until Jake want to talk. Richy picked up his keys and walked out. Jake got up to close the room and then he started to work again.

Next day Jake woke up and he opened the laptop and sat down. Jake had stayed alone all his life and he have now grown use to this feeling of being alone but today was a different day. He is feeling lonely. He want to run away far from everything. He was to take Misha along with him. He opened his laptop to work but his laptop went on sleep mode and Jake haven't even realised. Jake is just sitting and thinking. The feeling of being alone is killing him. He is missing Misha and his mom. Lost in his thoughts, he lost the track of time.

He was still thinking when his phone rang and it was Lilly. "Hi, I hope I am not disturbing you." Lilly said. "No, you aren't." Jake said. Lilly never called Jake in these days. It was the first time when she did. "Hannah is not feeling well, she said she wanted to talk to you." Lilly said. "She is suffering from trauma. She haven't recovered from it." Jake said. "She can recover, but you need to come to Duskwood." Lilly said. Jake ended the call. He is ready to do anything for Hannah but entering Duskwood is something which he can never do.

Doorbell rang and Jake went to open the door. Richy was outside. He was her to pick Jake. Jake was still not ready for the work. "You are too early today." Jake said. "I am not early, but I think you lost the track of time. I can wait for you to get ready. I got a lot of time on my watch" Richy said. Jake saw the clock and he realised that Richy is right. "I will, if you want coffee you can make it, I will be ready in little time." Jake said.

(Sorry for another short part, I will start with long parts too, but currently I will be having exams and I want to stay focused. I can write long parts but then I will not be able to post daily.)

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