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I've been pushing everyone away and I know they are getting upset by it but after a few weeks of not being able to play football, I feel empty. And now that I have pushed everyone away, I feel alone. I've pushed everyone who cared out of my life. I got my licence before getting injured but I'm still unable to drive so alexia has been driving me to training everyday. They go and enjoy football and I'm stuck in the gym unable to step without crutches aiding me. I feel trapped. Trapped and alone.

Just as I'm finishing with physio, alexia walked in.

"Luna is here, said she needs to talk to you" She says and I nod, following her to and empty room where Luna is waiting for me.

"Hey" I say as I hobble over on my crutches. I go to kiss her but she backs up.

"What's wrong" I ask, confused.

"I can't do this anymore" she says and I feel my eyes start to tear up.

"W...what do you mean" I ask.

"Us, I can't do it anymore. I tried, I really did but you have distanced yourself and I can't be with someone who doesn't communicate. I've tried and tried to reach out to you but you just shut me out. You shut me out and alexia out and jenni out and leah out and everyone out and sorry but I can't sit here and act like we are okay when we aren't. I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore" she says and I just feel my heart shatter.

"Where is this coming from, I thought we were okay-" my voice breaks.

"Rosa," she sighs, "there's someone else. I felt like you were pushing away and I met someone. We have been seeing eachother for about 2 weeks now" she says this as she walks towards the door and leaves.

It's like I forget about my injury and drop to the floor, sobbing. It's my fault. God why do I always have to shut everyone out. Why do I always ruin everything good that happens to me.

Alexia's pov.

When Luna walks out the room and Rosa doesn't follow, I begin to get concerned. Me and jenni share a look and she nods at me to go in the room.

I sigh and open the door but instantly run to Rosa when I see her on the floor crying.

I instantly wrap my arms around her, confused at the girls state. I straighten out her injured leg so that she doesn't injur it even more and I silently rock her, letting her talk in her own time. Jenni comes in shortly after and joins us on the floor.

"Luna, s...she cheated o...on me, she b...broke up with m...me. i...its all my fault" she sobs and I look at jenni wide eyed.

"How is this your fault" I ask carefully, trying not to let my anger show and upset her more.

"I... I pushed her away" she sobs.

"Rosa don't blame yourself. We all knew that this injury and recovery process would be tough and most likely end in you closing off at some point. We all knew that and Luna knew that. She knew that when she told you that she would be here for you the whole of your recovery. You pushing everyone away is a defence mechanism and she knew what was going to happen. This is not your fault" I explain while sending Jenni a look that tells her to calm down. I'm just as pissed off at Luna right now but Rosa needs us.

When she has calmed down, me and Jenni help her to her feet.

"Let's get you to the physio to make sure you haven't damaged your knee any more when you fell" I tell her and she nods. Jenni picks her up and I take her crutches. We walk to the physio room, Rosa silently crying in Jenni's arms. Mapi looks at us concerned and I just motion her to come over.

"Can you get Rosa a sandwich and water from the cafeteria" I ask, knowing she hasn't eaten since yesterday and it's now 1pm.

She nods and walks away with a concerned look on her face.

When we get to the medical room, the nurse does some checks while me and Jenni sit to the side. The whole time, Rosa is staring at the wall and I start getting more concerned and angry at Luna.

"Can you tell them" Rosa asked whiping her cheeks.

"Tell who what" jenni asked.

"The team... about Luna. I-" she takes a breath, "I cant"

I go to stand but Jenni stops me, "I will go, you stay. She needs you" She says softly.

I nod and let her leave. Mapi dropped food off a few minutes ago so she would be out with the team.

Turns out that she has strained her knee when it bent. She needs to rest for 2 days and then come back to have it checked before she can go back in the gym.

She sits there and eats while I scroll through Instagram.

We both jump when the door opens, seeing Jenni, ingrid and Mapi.

Mapi carefully jumps onto the bed with Rosa who looks up at her slowly.

"Movie night. No ifs no buts just say yes" mapi smirks and Rosa raises her eyebrows.

"Yes?" She replies and mapi jumps up, receiving a slap on the back of the head from ingrid.

"Careful" ingrid scolds her and mapi apologises.

"Okay we will be at yours for 6" mapi smiles and ingrid drags her out the room as she leans back, waving goodbye.

Me, Rosa and Jenni look at eachother before laughing. If anyone could make Rosa laugh right now then it would be mapi.

Please ignore any spelling mistakes.

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