SEASON 1 EPISODE 9: dipper and tails vs manliness part 1.

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it's morning at the shack with tourists outside the mystery shack. inside the gift shop a man or rather known as
tyler cutebiker is trying to get something in the gift shop with grunkle stan at the counter.

TYLER CUTEBIKER: i like to get my christmas shopping done early. do you have anything that's in the spirt
of the season?

GRUNKLE STAN: uh, *holds up bowl of broken glass* what about these crystals?

TYLER CUTEBIKER: ha ha! looks like broken glass.

GRUNKLE STAN: what are you, a cop?

TYLE CUTEBIKER: *sees something and runs to it* oh! what is that new thing?

the pine twins, sonic, knuckles, tails and amy enter the gift shop to talk to grunkle stan.

DIPPER PINES: grunkle stan.

MABEL PINES: can we go to the diner?

SONIC: yeah can we go too? i haven't eating something in a while.

KNUCKLES: and we're out of grapes. i'm a little hungry.

TAILS: i could go for something to eat.

AMY ROSE: me too.

MABEL PINES: *plays with belly* we're huuungry.

DIPPER PINES: *plays with belly* huuungry.

DIPPER AND MABEL PINES: *clash their bellys together* Aah! Aaah! Aah! Aaaah!

SONIC: i'll never understand twins.

TAILS: me too sonic.

GRUNKLE STAN: yeah, sure. soon as this yahoo makes up his mind.

the pines twins sonic and his friends turn back seeing tyler cutebiker stand near a fur fish on a wall.

TYLER CUTEBIKER: you have this in another animal?

AMY ROSE: i wouldn't buy that if i was a customer here.

KNUCKLES: especially since it's fake.

GRUNKLE STAN: i'm fine locking him inside if you are.

the mystery gang nod their heads as grunkle stan locks the gift ship door with a wood plank as the door says closed  with him
and the mysery gang outside. they run off smilling getting inside stan's care except for sonic who speeds off to the diner full speed
as with the car following behind. meanwhile tyler tries to decide whether on the puma shirt...or panther shirt.

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