ch 3

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"Shubman," Yash exclaimed as he entered the cafe. "Look, I brought some chocolates for you," he added, coming to Shubman.

"Thank you," Shubman took the chocolates with a smile.

"Yash, give me back my chocolates," Riyan entered the cafe, running.

"They're not yours anymore," Yash stuck his tongue out.

"Oh hi Shubman," Riyan smiled, ignoring Yash.

"Hi," Shubman smiled.

"Shubman, I've brought some chocolates for you, but he stole them from me," Riyan pointed towards Yash.

"Oh, thank you so much, he gave them to me already," Shubman smiled.

"Good then," Riyan turned towards Yash. "You can't have them," he snatched the chocolates from Yashasvi's hand.

"Please, Riyu baby," Yash pouted.

"Ah alright, Take them," Riyan gave the chocolates back to Yash, while rolling his eyes.

Yash jumped in victory.

"don't mind us, as Ishan said we're not sane," Dhruv comes from behind with Dev, and soon leaves behind Yash and Riyan.  Shubman looked at them, confused.

Ishan entered the cafe with Mayank, Mayank again went to Abhi and Shreyas, While Ishan went to Shubman.

"Oye Shreyas, two coffees for us," Ishan pointed towards him and Shubman.

"Wait, I'll," Shubman was about to go, but Ishan held his hand.

"He likes to make coffee anyway, he won't let you," he smiled.

Shubman felt a strange feeling at the touch, he feels some connection with him.

"Let's get to know each other," Ishan spoke as they sat at the table.

"Like how?" Shubman looked at him curiously.

"Umm, like, what do you think about Shrey, isn't he dumb as I told you?" Ishan giggled.

"Oh, no, he's so sweet," Shubman chuckled.

"Thank God, Shubman, you're not like him," Shreyas put the coffees on the table, glaring at Ishan.

Ishan ignored him, as he left.

"Do you know Dora, that blind girl ?" Ishan took a sip of his coffee. "And Yash and Riyan?" he added.

"Yes? What about them?" Shubman looked at him confused.

"They're Dora," he giggled. "You'll get to know soon," he added.

"Can I join too?" Rishabh went to Ishan as soon as he entered.

"Rishu!" Ishan exclaimed.

"Hi Shubman," he smiled.

"Hello, Rishabh," Shubman smiled back.

"You can call me Rishu or Rish, I won't mind," Rishabh sat at the table.

"Sure, rishu" Shubman smiled.

They talked for a while, and now it was time for Ishan to go. He bid goodbye to Shubman and Rishabh, and then went to Mayank.

"Oye Mayank, it's time to go," he informed.

"Yaar, I'll be back in an hour, I and Abhi are going out," Mayank responded.

"Dora" Ishan whispered and left...

Abhi and Mayank went to a shopping mall. Abhi said he wanted to shop, and Mayank found it as an excuse to spend time with him, so he agreed.

"What do you want to shop?" Mayank looked at Abhi as they entered the mall.

"Nothing, just wanted to spend time with you. If I had already told you, then Ishan would have teased us to death," Abhi responded.

"You're a genius," Mayank gave him a fake salute.

"Let's get to the point," Abhi looked at Mayank, who looked confused.

"Have you heard these lines, 'A million times over, I will always choose you'? I always think about you when I listen to these lines! Do you get what I mean?" Abhi looked at him.

"No, I didn't," Mayank replied, holding back his smile.

"It means I will always choose you over anyone, means I-I like you," Abhi looked down.

"I know, I like you too. I'll accept this proposal from now. I'll teach you better for next time," Mayank smiled, hugging Abhi.

"Next time? Isn't one time enough? Do you know how hard I tried?" Abhi exclaimed dramatically, hugging him back.

"Lemme take my boyfriend on a date," Abhi said, holding Mayank's hand. Mayank blushed at that.

"Cupcake, I'm back!" Shubman exclaimed as soon as he entered Abhi's house. "Let's go for a walk," he added. Cupcake comes running behind him.

They walked through the road and then the park. Shubman was playing with his puppy when someone tapped on his shoulder.

"Hi Shubman," Ishan smiled at him and went to Cupcake. He ruffled Cupcake's hair, and Cupcake wiggled his tail.

"Do you come here daily?" Shubman went down on his knees to play with Cupcake.

"Yes, it's peaceful here, and Mayank is not home anyway," Ishan looked at him.

"Yeah, Abhi is not home too, Shreyas said that He'll be back soon," Shubman responded a little worried.

"He's with Mayank, don't need to get worried," Ishan smiled.

"You are not in our chat group, right? Wait, I'll add you there." he opened his phone and added Shubman to the group. Shubman smiled at him.

"Ishan, what is your age, sorry I didn't ask before?" Shubman scratched his neck awkwardly.

"No problem, I'm 25. What about you?" Ishan responded.

"Oh, I'm 24," Shubman smiled.

"you're younger than me," Ishan replied.

They chatted for a while about everything and anything, The sky started to get heavier with the black clouds, maybe rain was about to come. Shubman and Ishan headed back home.

Shubman headed back to his room,

"Cupcake, I feel a strange feeling. I don't know what it is, but it seems like something connects me to Ishan. When he touched my hand, I felt something inside my heart. Do you also feel it? Is it normal?" He picked Cupcake to sit on his lap.

"Maybe I'm just overthinking about it. Well, it's time for you to eat. Come with me," he put Cupcake down, and Cupcake followed him behind.

"but you know what Cupcake, atleast i can say people here are better than them. I'm grateful I left from there. Ishan and the others are really so sweet." Shubman gave Cupcake his food to eat, and he ruffled his hair.

The rain started heavily, while clouds covered the moon. The nature was looking beautiful at that time. With a little wind, the sound was really melodic.

forbidden soulmate (Ishan x Shubman) Where stories live. Discover now