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Sunshine streamed through Shubman's window, making him rub his eyes. He opened his eyes halfway and got up to do his daily routine.

It was Sunday, so he was free and very excited because he and Ishan were going for dinner today.

He started his daily routine by preparing himself and Cupcake. He made breakfast for himself.

After having breakfast, he attended to his other tasks. Now, he and Cupcake were going for their daily walk.

He picked up Cupcake, and after some playtime, he put him down.

"Cupcake, look, the weather is nice. You can play here," Shubman said, looking at the park as he ruffled Cupcake's hair.

After playing for a while, he returned home with Cupcake. Cupcake started playing around while Shubman concentrated on his work.


Shubman was walking through the road with Ishan beside him, street lights open, and the moon looking absolutely beautiful, with those beautiful stars adding to it's beauty.

There was silence between them, but it wasn't awkward; it was comfortable. They stole glances at each other.

Ishan glanced at Shubman's face, who had a small smile on his lips. Ishan looked at their hands and slowly made his hand's way towards Shubman's hand, intertwining their fingers.

Shubman looked at him and then at their intertwining fingers; he smiled to himself. Feeling butterflies in his stomach, he looked down with his cheeks a little red. Meanwhile, Ishan did the same.

They walked through the street, cold breeze passing, moonlight slowly kissing their faces, making them look more beautiful.


They reached the restaurant in no time, sat at the table Ishan had booked before. Shubman looked around to see there was no one else, isn't it weird? But not weird as long as he has his Ishan with him.

The waiter came to them, after taking their orders, she went back. After a few minutes of silence and little glances between them, their food arrived.

They ate there in silence until Shubman broke it. "Why are there no one else, Ishan?"

Ishan just smiled mischievously without giving any answer.

"Don't tell me you did this?" Shubman looked at him with shock.

"How can I let anyone ruin our moment?" Ishan smiled.

"God, you're so... cute," Shubman chuckled.


They were going back home with their hands intertwined. Ishan suddenly pulled him with him.

"Let's go there," Ishan pulled him towards a small park, where no one else was, just a bench, and with little decorations everywhere.

They sat there in silence. Shubman put his head on Ishan's shoulder as he closed his eyes.

"What happened, baby? Are you sleepy? Do you want to go home?" Ishan asked with concern.

"No," Shubman shook his head, snuggling more into Ishan.

"Shubman," Ishan whispered.

"Hmm," Shubman responded.

"You know, it may sound cringe, but you have become so special to me, just like my other half. I don't want to go away from you," Ishan looked at the moon.

"Then don't," Shubman smiled.

"Huh?" Ishan looked at him confused.

"Stay with me... Forever?" Shubman looked at him with hopeful eyes.

forbidden soulmate (Ishan x Shubman) Where stories live. Discover now