ch 5

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"Riyu baby, at least talk to me," Yash entered the cafe behind Riyan, who was totally ignoring him.

Soon, Dhruv and Dev came from behind them, enjoying the drama.

"Did they fight again?" Shreyas asked, looking at them.

"Yes, as always, young love, you know. Anyway, leave them; give us our coffees," Dhruv replied.

"Yeah, but at least tell me the reason," Shreyas whispered.

"Yash was flirting again," Dev responded.

"And yes, he's gone," Dhruv giggled.

"You guys enjoy the drama too much," Shreyas handed them their coffees.

"Of course, we do, btw thankyou" Dev smiled.

They went to Yash and Riyan and they put the coffee mugs on the table.

"Is he still angry?" Dhruv asked, looking at the pouty Riyan.

"Yes," Yash sighed.

"Oh, cool," Dev sipped his coffee.

"Cool? What the fuck is cool here?" Yash cried.

"You won't understand," Dhruv giggled.

Ishan entered the cafe with Mayank beside him.

"Where's Abhi?" Mayank asked.

"He's not here yet," Shreyas responded.

"And Shubman?" Ishan inquired.

"He's not here either," Shreyas informed. "Should I give you coffee?" He added.

"Not yet, I'll wait till he comes," Ishan smiled.


"Oh, someone is fighting?" Ishan went to Yash.

"No," Yash exclaimed.

"Yes," Riyan spoke at the same time.

Ishan looked at them confused.

"It's half fighting," Dhruv responded.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Ishan asked.

"Yash was flirting with someone, AGAIN," Riyan rolled his eyes.

"Oh got it, what's new here?" Ishan looked confused.

"Nothing," Riyan pouted.

"Did he tell you he likes you?" Ishan asked, looking at Yash.

"No, he didn't," Yash replied.

"I did, but you were busy eating chocolates," Riyan huffed.

"Chocolates are more important," Dhruv commented, trying not to laugh, but one glare from Yash was enough for him to shut the fuck up.

"Sorry, I didn't hear," Yash gave him his puppy eyes.

"That's not my concern," Riyan pouted, turning his head away.

"Riyu baby, sorryyyyy, I like you too," Yash smiled at his cuteness.

"Fine, I forgive you this time," Riyan replied.

"Now kissssssss," Dhruv and Dev shouted together.

"Shut up," Yash turned red, and Riyan was not less.

Ishan smiled at them, went to Abhi as he entered.

"Where's Shubman?" Ishan asked.

"He's not coming today, he's sick," Abhi replied.

"Oh, fine, I'm going to meet him. Tell this to Mayu; I'll be late home," Ishan left the cafe.


"Shubman," Ishan called as soon as he got inside his house.

forbidden soulmate (Ishan x Shubman) Where stories live. Discover now