ch 4

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"Did you forget what I've told you?" A strong and scary voice filled the dark room, making Shubman gulp in fear.

"I-I" Shubman tried to run from there, but there was darkness all over the room.

"SHUT UP! Can't you understand a simple thing? How many times I've told you, you can't do anything you want. Stop running from us." The voice again filled the room. Shubman was scared, he took a step back until his back hit the wall.

"Why are you running again? Wherever you run, you can't hide from us." The voice grew louder.

"Please leave me. I-I can't do anything you want." Shubman put his palm on his ear to block out the voice.

"You have to. You have to do whatever we say. It's your responsibility. You can't run from your responsibility like this." The voice responded, almost shouting.

"No, it's not. It's not my responsibility to kill people. I don't want to do that. I can't do that. Please leave me." Shubman cried and ran, not knowing where he was going. He ran until he hit a door again. He tried to open it, but it was locked.

He pulled the door so hard that his hands started to bleed. Finally, the lock broke. He ran from there, but he fell don't know where. He fell until his back hit the ground, his eyes closed with blood all over the ground.

Shubman woke up to the sound of Cupcake barking, maybe he was trying to wake him up. Shubman looked at his hand, it wasn't bleeding, he was fine. It was just a nightmare that left him sweating, heart racing fast. He embraced Cupcake, who snuggled even closer to him. After a few moments, he got up as it was almost 5.

He did his daily routine, and then left for the cafe with abhi. He entered the cafe, and there was only Shreyas and Rishabh. He greeted them, and they were talking since there were no customers at the moment. They asked Shubman to join them.

"It's so peaceful today," Abhi spoke.

"Of course, cause our four loudspeakers are not here yet," Shreyas put his hand on Rishabh's shoulder.

"Did someone call us?" Yash entered the cafe with Riyan, while Dhruv and Dev followed them behind.

"Don't you guys have any work to do?" Rishabh asked.

"No, not until our college opens," Riyan exclaimed, joining them.

"Guys, I've got news!" Ishan entered running, while Mayank ran behind him, red in embarrassment.

"Calm down, Ishu, no one is running from here," Rishabh spoke.

"I got to know that our Mayu is not single anymore," Ishan exclaimed, jumping in excitement, while Mayank turned even redder.

"Wow, finally got the courage to confess?" Shreyas broke the silence, and everyone looked at Abhi, who was not any less red than Mayank.

"No, I didn't, he did," Mayank looked down.

"Proud of you, my boy," Rishabh patted Abhi's shoulder.

"He's not yours!" Mayank shouted, making everyone laugh. "But guess what, Ishu, you're still single," he added.

"I'll get my partner soon too," Ishan rolled his eyes at Mayank.

"By the way, Shrey, two coffees for us," Ishan pointed towards him and Shubman.

"Yes, sir," Shreyas replied sarcastically.

Ishan pulled Shubman with him, and they sat at the table. "Can I join too, Shubman?" Yash looked at Shubman.

"No, you can't," Riyan pulled him back with him.

"Look, they're Dora, but whatever, at least Mayank and Abhi got some eyes, not like them," Ishan looked at them leaving, he chuckled a little. Shubman chuckled at them as well.

Shubman forgot about his nightmare, as he talked to the sunshine infront of him.

"We are gonna get a party from Abhi and Mayank, be ready," he winked at Shubman, and Shubman's heart skipped a beat at that.

Ishan was talking, and Shubman was listening. He didn't know what Ishan was talking about; he was just hearing his voice.

"Shubman, Shubman, where are you lost at?" Ishan's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry, what were you talking about?" Shubman looked down in embarrassment.

"See this, I brought some romantic novels for you to read. I didn't read them yet because I wanted company, but Mayank is dumb," Ishan looked disappointed.

"Oh sure, I love reading them," Shubman smiled.

"But we can't really read them here," Ishan pointed towards his friends, who were shouting their lungs out.

"At my home?" Shubman asked.

"Sure, give me your address," Ishan smiled. And Shubman did as Ishan said.

"So, it's time for me to go now. We'll meet at your home. Is today fine?" Ishan asked.

"Yes, whenever you want," Shubman responded.


Shubman got up to open the door, as someone knocked on it.

"Hi, Shubman," Ishan entered inside, and Cupcake jumped on him.

"It seems like Cupcake likes you more than me," Shubman responded.

"Everyone likes me," Ishan chuckled.

"Indeed," Shubman whispered.

"Let's go to the balcony, it would be better to read there," Ishan suggested.

"As you wish," Shubman smiled.

They sat on the balcony of Shubman's room, the cold breeze brushing their faces, and the moon shining brightly. There were lights on the balcony, so there wouldn't be a problem reading.

They sat together there. Ishan opened the book, and they started reading it together. But Shubman was more focused on looking at Ishan.

"Should I read it for you too?" Ishan asked in a teasing way, noticing Shubman staring at him.

Shubman choked on thin air.

"They were sitting on their room's balcony, hands in hands, looking at each other,"

Ishan read the book's line aloud, and Shubman felt something in his heart.

"You're so pretty," he whispered.

Shubman looked at Ishan. These words were the first things he thought about Ishan when he first saw him.

"He leaned closer, closer, closer, until their lips met."

"The story is over," Ishan spoke.

"Wait, what! It's over?" Shubman looked at him confused.

"Yeah, it's not my fault that you were just looking at me without even listening to anything," Ishan chuckled.

"It's not my fault either that you're too pretty," Shubman looked down.

Ishan chuckled, his hands caressed Shubman's cheeks, and as Ishan touched his cheeks, Shubman smiled, revealing his dimples.

"You look even more prettier when you smile, Shubman," Ishan whispered. "I'll come again tomorrow with a new book," he added, as he got up to leave.

Shubman held his hand, "I'll wait," he whispered.

"I won't make you wait too long, meri jaan," Ishan whispered.

Shubman blushed at the nickname as he let go of Ishan's hand.

forbidden soulmate (Ishan x Shubman) Where stories live. Discover now