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Mayank woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He slowly opened his eyes and answered the call without checking the caller's name.

"Good morning, baby," Abhi said.

Mayank sat up in bed as soon as he heard Abhi's voice. "Good morning, Abhi."

"Are you free today?" Abhi asked.

"For you, always," Mayank smiled.

"Okay, then get ready. We're going on a date."

"Okay - wait, what?"

"We're going on a date, baby. Get ready fast," Abhi chuckled.

"Okay, okay."

Mayank quickly got up from bed, grabbed his towel, and headed for a shower. He soon returned after getting ready.

He went downstairs to inform his mother that he was going out.

"Maa, I'm going out," he shouted.

"Mayu, breakfast -" she called.

"Maa, I'll eat there," Mayank said as he left the house.

Abhi soon arrived with a bouquet of red roses and handed them to Mayank. Mayank smiled as he looked at the roses and at Abhi.

Abhi took Mayank's hand and led him along.

"Where are we going?" Mayank chuckled.

Abhi just smiled and they both sat in Abhi's car as he started driving.

"Where are you taking me, sweetheart?" Mayank sang playfully.

"Just a few more minutes, it's a surprise," Abhi smiled, focusing on the road.

After a short drive, Abhi stopped the car.

They found themselves in a forest, surrounded by trees with a cool breeze gently brushing their faces. Mayank was still gazing at the scenery when Abhi pulled him along, running somewhere.

After a while of running, Abhi stopped, and Mayank looked around to see the beautiful spot they had reached. There was a small lake adorned with red roses, and a table set with charming decorations.

"Surprise," Abhi whispered, hugging Mayank from behind.

"Wow, Abhi, it's incredibly beautiful," Mayank exclaimed, turning around to hug Abhi.

"Come here, let's have breakfast now. I know you haven't eaten anything," Abhi said, smiling as he watched Mayank exploring the area.

They enjoyed the breakfast that Abhi had prepared.


They were sitting on the ground holding hands, feet in the water, with Abhi's head on Mayank's shoulder.

"Abhi," Mayank whispered.

"Yes, baby," Abhi said, looking at him.

"You know I've always wanted a date like this, in the surroundings of beautiful flowers, trees, and a lake; this is the best date anyone could ever plan," Mayank said, smiling brightly.

"And I always wanted a partner like you," Abhi said. "Anyway, you could thank me if you want," he smiled mischievously.

"Like how?" Mayank raised an eyebrow, looking at Abhi's mischievous smile.

"Like you could kiss me if you want, or you-" Abhi got interrupted by Mayank smacking his head playfully. "What? I was serious," Abhi whined.

"Okay, if you want me to," Mayank chuckled. Pressing his lips on Abhi's, their lips met in a slow, tender kiss; Mayank bit his lips gently.

forbidden soulmate (Ishan x Shubman) Where stories live. Discover now