Honey moon flight : 25

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Currently it was 2weeks after the, wedding. Minsung wanted to go to Japan since it was nearing summer.

"Bye lixie."
"Bye j-jisung" Felix sobbed as ji was walking his luggage out the apartment. Jisung turned around to hug a sobbing lixie.
"Awww don't cry , I promise I'll come bearing gifts."
"It's not about gift it's about you being here"
"We'll only be gone for a month" Minho said hugging the two crying boys.
"Mhm min can lixie also drop us off ,please."
"Uh if we take the van he can come ."Minho said looking at them crying broke his heart into a million pieces.
"One sec-" Minho said picking up his phone.

"Ahh,mhm ,ok sir,thank you"Minho said while he was talking to the manager
"We- I mean me and ji need to do a skz code as fan service .So they said the will drop the camera off at the airport for us."Minho said while speaking to ji who broke away from the hug and was rolling his suitcase from the living room. "Ok ready to go"changbin said in a black compression shirt and black sweatpants. "Yeah thanks bin for driving us" "yea yeah it's fine . Let's head for the road since it's like an hour a drive"


"Bye lixie ,Bye changbin's hyung." Jisung said
"By lix bye chanbin" Minho said tired from jisung and Felix talking do an hour straight
"Bye" they waved before  getting into the car and driving away. Minho grabbed jisung's hand and walked over to where security was waiting for them with a camera. The stepped into  the airport. It was surprisingly peaceful.They managed to check in .Jisung had slowly became tired and yawned ever so often . 

They finally managed to take a seat on the airport first class lounge .Jisung looked at Minho, who was on his phone, and puckered his lips . Minho smiled and pecked his lips just for jisung to lay his head on Minhos shoulder.Jisung dosed off and was woken up by Minho peppering him with kisses all over his face. "Mhm baby?" Jisung yawned out . "We need to board our flight." "Mhm ok" jisung stood up with his eyes closed trusting Minho into not letting him fall over .

" "Mhm ok" jisung stood up with his eyes closed trusting Minho into not letting him fall over

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"Hi stay ." Jisung said "you're probably wondering why me and my jagi are alone ... WE SRE GOING TO JAPAN."Minho whisper yelled whilst zooming out to show their business class seats. " Me and Minnie are heading to Japan for our honeymoon and we thought we will show you some of the best bits" jisung giggled out "yeah ," Minho said looking lovingly at jisung he kissed him longingly on his soft pouty lips. "So" Minho cleared his throat " Bye stay . See you when we land." Minho said whilst smiling at the camera. He turned off the camera and put it in the over head bin. They put their seatbelts on and th you lane took off.Once the seatbelt sign was off, jisung got busy turning his seat into a bed for the long 2 hour flight .

If jisung was honest he was about to pass out any second in this summery weather , plus it was already 2 am after staying at the airport for an extra four hours because of a delayed flight causing their flight to depart late.Jisung finished making his bed and got under the covers immediately. Minho did the same to his side . Minho also put on alarm for 1 hour and 30 minutes just to wake up before the flight lands. They shred air pods listening to some music as the plane's lights got dimmed.

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