Chapter: 1

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Jimin, a powerful CEO of a major tech conglomerate, sat at his expansive desk, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office. The skyline of Seoul stretched before him, a reminder of his success, but today it felt empty. He glanced at the photo on his desk—a younger version of himself holding a small boy, both smiling brightly. Junwoo, his son, was now seven years old, and since his mother left, life had been a roller-coaster journey.

Jimin sighed, running a hand through his perfectly styled hair. He was known for his sharp intellect and business acumen, but when it came to matters of the heart, especially concerning his son, he often felt helpless.


The memory of that fateful day when Lyla left was etched in his mind. They had been arguing more frequently, her dissatisfaction growing more apparent with each passing day.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Lyla?" Jimin's voice cracked as he tried to keep calm. "You're leaving us?"

Lyla didn't meet his eyes. "I can't do this anymore, Jimin. I need to find myself. I need a life beyond this."

He watched her leave, feeling his heart shatter. He turned to Junwoo, who was playing with his toys in the living room, oblivious to the change about to upend his world. The boy's innocence was a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing in Jimin's heart.

"Where's Mommy going?" Junwoo had asked later that night, his big, round eyes filled with confusion.

"Mommy... Mommy needs to take some time for herself," Jimin had answered, struggling to keep his voice steady. "But I'm here, Junwoo. I will always be here for you."

*End of Flashback*

The months that followed were a blur of sleepless nights and long days at the office. Junwoo became quieter, retreating into himself. The once vibrant child who loved to explore and play was now withdrawn and sullen.

"Mr. Park," his assistant's voice interrupted his thoughts, "Your car is ready to take you to the airport."

Jimin nodded, collecting his briefcase. He had a business trip to Tokyo, but his thoughts were with Junwoo, who was growing more introverted and withdrawn by the day. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Park, along with his brothers, Jungkook and Suga, tried their best to fill the void left by Lyla, but nothing seemed to reach Junwoo.


The bustling airport was filled with the usual noise and chaos. Jimin held Junwoo's hand tightly, guiding him through the crowd. Junwoo's eyes were downcast, his shoulders hunched. The airport was a place of transition, much like their lives had been for the past few years.

As they waited at the gate, Junwoo's favorite toy—a small, plush bunny—slipped from his grasp and rolled away. Jimin watched as a young woman with a calm and pleasant demeanor picked it up and approached them.

"Is this yours?" she asked, handing the toy back to Junwoo with a warm smile.

Junwoo hesitated but took the toy. "Thank you," he mumbled.

Jimin looked up, grateful. "Thank you. It's his favorite."

The woman smiled again. "I'm Y/N. I'm on my way to South Korea for work."

"I'm Jimin, and this is my son, Junwoo."

Junwoo clung to Jimin's leg, his eyes wary. But there was something about Y/N's demeanor that seemed to ease his tension, even if just a little.

They boarded the plane, and by a twist of fate, Y/N was seated next to them. Throughout the flight, she engaged Junwoo in gentle conversation, asking about his favorite cartoons and games. Slowly, the boy began to respond, his answers growing more animated.

"What kind of games do you like to play, Junwoo?" Y/N asked, her voice soft and encouraging.

Junwoo glanced at Jimin for reassurance before answering. "I like building things with blocks. And I have a video game where I can create my own worlds."

"That sounds amazing!" Y/N said, her enthusiasm genuine. "Maybe you can show me how to play it sometime."

Junwoo smiled shyly, a small spark of excitement in his eyes. Jimin watched this interaction with a mixture of relief and amazement. For the first time in a long while, Junwoo seemed interested in something, someone. Y/N's presence was like a breath of fresh air, and he found himself drawn to her warmth and kindness.

As the plane descended into Incheon International Airport, Jimin felt a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, things could get better from here.

this is my first fanfic.Did you guys like the chapter?? do let me know!!❤

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