Chapter two Him Again

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It's a Monday morning that caught me off guard. Mr.K entered the classroom, loud, with a deep voice, "Class 2-B, I know it's very early in the morning," Everyone sighed and some banged their heads on their tables "We have a Quiz today!" Now everyone's yelling and complaining. He kept going "I know, I know math is your favorite subject.." Someone interrupted yelling, "You ugly geezer! it's the second week of school!" As the class went into chaos I tracked the beautiful, loud voice, to find Akihito, red as an apple, face like a puffer fish, and I knew this idiot had done it. Akihito Isamu, the hottest basketball player, at least 6 feet tall, muscular, red-ish hair, and with his shiny golden eyes he was everyone's best bet. Good grades too, he was just so perfect.

Everyone laughed as Mr.K shushed them and yelled for whoever said that to say it to his face, but everyone was laughing and it was impossible to know who it was. The laughter and talking wasn't going to stop that easily. Finally, he settled us down and his face was so red like it's going to explode, and he handed out our papers. He placed my paper on my desk and I openly rolled my eyes and sighed with anger, as he angrily smacked his fist on the table. The test was easy, duh, they don't know that this is 4th grade level at private schools. I stood up to turn in my paper thinking I was the only one so smart, but someone stopped me. I remembered! He sat behind me, the guy from the first day. I turned around so fast, as he whispered, "Don't turn it in, just ask to go to the bathroom." I, half standing half sitting, got lost in his deep soft voice, and sat down before I knew it.

We had a back to back math class so the quiz went on forever. I actually fell asleep at least twice before the bell rang, and it was time for lunch. I was still trying to get back to my senses before standing up, but something was off. I was sticky and wet down there, No way! Why is it starting now? I panicked quietly. I always bleed a lot, even from a paper cut I'd bleed like a knife cut me, so my bed was like a crime scene every month. I'm scared to stand up, I'm the closest to the teacher's desk everyone's behind me, they will laugh and make a mockery out of me. I was crying like crazy, but so quietly. I felt my mascara melting across my face, I was so red too. I didn't want to stand up, I didn't know who, or how to even ask for help. I kept sighing for what seemed like forever, and then I kept sniffing over and over until my nose was red too, shaking and breathing hard, until there was a tap on my shoulder, it was him again. I guess he had noticed, but I wasn't about to put my eyes in his, my face is messed up and I'm crying, so I acted like I was sleeping, but he came closer, stood next to my desk, and then bent to my level, "Hey" He whispered, "I think Kuraga's calling on you, are you okay?" I lifted my face up a little bit and said, "Can you... please help me?" My voice was breaking.

"It's okay, just tell me, how can I help?" I told him what was happening and asked him to walk behind me, and to give me his jacket to cover my face. Since it was lunch, the hallways were stuffed, so it didn't look weird for him to walk behind me so close. We got to the nurse's office, but she wasn't there, we sat and he was waiting with me. As I fixed my makeup I started a conversation, "Can you tell me your name? This isn't the first time you've helped me, the least I can do is learn your name, right?" I was trying to sound normal, but it was so embarrassing I wanted to cry again.

"Yeah I guess so, name's Arata... Arata Yuu." He said.

"Oh! Do you know what your name means? Wait, I'll tell you my name first." I exclaimed in excitement, forgetting everything. He giggled, and his tough voice softened with tenderness, "I know your name. I don't know what my name means, but I know it has way too many A's."

"It means new, advanced, but it can also be given to someone that stays positive." I smiled, bringing my face closer to his, trying to make him feel comfortable.

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