Chapter seven Ouch...

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Part I


"I'm home." I said, taking my shoes off, then looking up to see my dad, fuming.

"Why are you home so late?"

"But dad, it's only 8:21, you said 8:30." I looked down. "You're not paying much attention to your studies, that's not good Arata. What changed you?"

"Many things changed me dad. Maybe I just don't trust you to let you know." He should know how I really feel, what I'm really doing, and how I want things to go, but he's not the father I remember

"Are you talking back to me right now?" He screamed, making mom, Ayaka, and Ayato come to the front door. I replied to him, "Isn't that how a conversation works?" He screamed in shock, "Arata!" I went crazy, "Aren't you supposed to hear and consider what I have to say?"

"Arata Yuu!"

"Shouldn't you forget and forgive like you always tell me to do?" I looked up, yelling louder with every word, then when I took a step forward, he punched me, not any punch though. He was a wrestler when he was younger so that wasn't easy to take. I fell to the ground, my face swelled up fast and my nose bled. "Asahi!" My mom yelled, and my siblings followed, "Arata!" My mom stood in front of my father, who kept screaming, my siblings trying to shush me, and mom doing her best to keep me and dad away from each other. My dad started arguing with my mom, and he gave the undivided attention he was giving me, and pointed it at my mom. And me, who was so angry, was going to continue yelling at him, however, my siblings dragged me upstairs as I told them that he needed to know. "Arata, you really shouldn't have done that." Ayaka said, putting a frozen corn bag on my face.

"Sorry, I'm just done with him. And why is he fighting mom right now?! He doesn't even drink, why is he so short tempered?"

"Arata, I think we should buy a place for the three of us." Ayato said, looking down and almost shedding tears. "Yeah? How?" I mocked him because he's not standing up for me or anyone, and doesn't even have a job. "You know just how Asago did. She was 17 too." You still have to build up some courage if you want to do that, bud.

"Ayato, Arata, you know we can just get Asago's help, right?"

"No! Dad will never forgive her if we seek her help. Plus, you're 19, can't you get a job?" I yelled. She replied, "When I'm done with medical school I'll be more than happy doing that."'

"But she did nothing wrong. So what now? You guys are dreaming of something way too much for him to take." Ayato suddenly yelled, "I'll just tell him Ayaka!"

"Ayato's right. We should tell him the truth; he either accepts his children, or he can rot alone."

"He's our father!"

"That's the issue Ayaka, we can't look at him as a father if he keeps doing this."

"What are you going to do?" Ayaka said, sighing, and getting confused as I said, "Oh you'll see." A devilish smile made Ayaka hit me with a pillow, and she and Ayato left.

Tuesday morning, we had little time to prepare for the play. This isn't a summer festival, or a regional thing, it's an activity, I guess. At the beginning of each 9th grade year for public high schools, they do it to introduce the new students that will be here for the next four years. Today we are practicing, 9:00 am to 11:00. I hate helping people randomly because I need to keep asking what to do so others won't talk crap about me, but now, Shirotozawa's standing by me and introducing me to her friends.

"Good morning Yuu."

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" I asked, trying to open a conversation.

"Yeah, did you? I have some missing assignments though so I stayed up a little later than usual. Yet I don't feel sleepy." She walked towards Wlaski.

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