Chapter three Runaway

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Tuesday's schedule went so slow. Even though it's only the second week of school, Tuesday felt like an eternity. At 8:30 gym starts, then comes study hall and it ends at 9:45. Gym was never fun in the morning. You just get sweaty and it's literally pointless unless you're considering a career. I always hated going to PE. In 7th and 8th grade I tried talking my counselor to pull me out of gym class but she said that I should bear it for a while, and promised me that it will count as high school credit, I wouldn't have to take it unless I choose to. The counselor in Sabatori-ka decided that they won't count, my two years of dealing with PE won't count! I was ready to beat her up! But I decided not.

After study hall there was a back to back history class, I like history, I didn't mind a back to back class. History ends at 11:30, lunch from then to 12:00pm. Then the worst class of all time BIOLOGY. The lady sucks, she has a strong accent, and during class time all she says is, "UMMM UMMM." And keeps clicking her tongue to her mouth and... UGH disgusting. She is so strict too, with assignments and tests, she doesn't even know how to grade. I looked at my schedule over and over. I hate it, I'm not having a back to back biology class, there is just no way. Then it hit me! The twins always lie to their teachers and sleep on the roof. They did it all the time when I was with them in Sickamore. I think I could do the same, but how? I don't trust Tomo to cover for me or not snitch, and the same for her minions they will tell her and she'd snitch on me for sure. How do I make it happen?

We dropped the twins off and we had 15 minutes to be in my school. I kept thinking of how I'll run away. The consequences of skipping school are going to be harsh though, from dad, from school, everything stopped me from doing that. I also remembered my dad's words, I don't have anything that my brothers do. I can slip so easily through a crack I didn't notice or didn't think much of. What now?

Basically, me and Shoto used to be super close, but then this big complicated thing happened that totally wrecked our relationship. It was at this fancy party for the triplets' 16th birthday. Some old dude started talking crap about them saying they were gonna fail at everything. I couldn't handle it, so I gave him a piece of my mind, but instead of having my back, Shoto flipped out on me, saying I ruined his chance at a big sponsorship deal. We ended up getting into a huge fight, scratching and pulling each other's hair like crazy. We didn't talk for a whole month after that, and even when we made up later, things were never the same between us. Because of that, he really can't trust me with anything right now. I made a gap.

I wanted to ask Shoto, "Are you willing to drop me somewhere else?" or "It's been a while, should we hang out somewhere fun right now?" But I don't trust him either. It's hard to run from school alone, climbing the walls, needing someone to cover for you, and the courage you have when you're with another person is so much more than the courage you'd have alone. I would've asked Tomo to come, but hanging out with her is no fun.

During lunch, I wanted to sleep, but I knew I wouldn't be able to, so I just sat with a group of guys from class 3-D today, and oh my god the guys are fire. A guy with the name Arthur Walski, he moved from London to Japan with his mom, she's originally from here. He introduced me to brawl stars. I knew about it but I wasn't so into it. Arthur made sure I mastered the game, but it was the only thing we talked about so it was weird to me how he noticed I was off. His locks, kissed by the sun's golden hues, sway gently in the breeze, a captivating dance akin to waves of crimson cascading upon the sea, his shiny blue-eyes scanned me, and I scanned him too, as he said, "What's up with you today? Boyfriend issues?" Mockingly. I wanted to beat him up. I replied, sighing angrily, "I don't have a boyfriend, I have bio class." He chuckled, "Just skip class like you always do. No?"

"No dude, it's not that easy. You know how crazy Mrs.Emico is. She petrifies me."

"Yeah, you should just act like your nose is bleeding or something. Or just go to class, sweetheart." His soft smile made me blush, yet got me mad, "I want to but it hurts..." I said acting scared and really in pain.

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