Chapter four News?

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When we got to my school, Arthur was about to step foot into the school but I jumped on his back and said, "Good morning buddy, how was yesterday?" Arthur freaked out and blushed saying, "You scared me sweetheart!" and when he said that, I felt someone's hands on my stomach, and Yuki stood in front of me as Yukimura carried me away. "Well good morning to us all." Yuki said as he giggled a devilish giggle that sent me chills as Arthur panicked and walked away. We said our goodbyes and they continued walking to their school.

Me and Arthur, who was waiting for me, walked into the building. I greeted some of the girls and guys I recognised. Tomo-chan approached me, "Shiro-chi!" She yelled, I turned with a smile from ear to ear, "Tomo-chan!" And we hugged then put our shoes away and walked to our class. During math, Mr. K wanted us to be in groups of three. Tomo-chan, Aia, and Akio came together and apologized for excluding me, and I let it go. I walked back to my seat to see Yuu and Isamu together, planning out the assignment, so I said, "Hey guys, do you need a third person?" Yuu looked up to say something but he was interrupted, "Oh, hello new girl, wanna join us?"

"Sure, I'd love to." I said. Math passed by so fast today, I think it's because we had an intense argument about my way of doing the assignment and their way of doing it. So what we did is that we divided the assignment in two and I was going to work on my part alone, but it was fine with me because my way is the best way. I had finished part of the assignment while they were chatting. I was too focused to know what they were talking about but I yelled at them multiple times to stop talking and finish their part. The assignment was basically all about art and... math. Working with these two was so ugly, they just had to do the math, so it was unfair because I do have a hard time trusting people meaning I'll have to go over it myself or else I'd be anxious about it until everything works out fine.

We had study hall next. I decided that I'll continue working here, and the two left. I was pissed at them, yet Arata's manners made me feel like they do have something more important than math. For the rest of the school day I was alone, everyone seemed busy for some reason, even friends from other classes. It got me confused until I asked the class president and she said, "Did you not know? The school's introduction is around the corner, that's why everyone is too busy to sit and chill. I told Aia to explain to you because public schools have it differently than private ones." I looked at her so confused and said, "Isn't it supposed to happen during the festival?"

"Well we do it twice here."

"I want to join the play! Why didn't anyone tell me?" I yelled. "Calm down Shirotozawa, we are planning a spot for you. It's just that we have so many students in our class unlike other classes."

"But that means we have more hands to help around and do more stuff."

"I'm preparing a place in the play for you. The play is Cinderella and many said you should be her."

"Really? But still, why didn't anyone tell me?" I calmed down. "I don't know, but it's okay now that you know." Since our class got the play as the president said, I headed to the stage furious. I was ready to fight the whole entire classroom. I got there, and looked for Aia, the lemon shades of her brown hair came to mind, and her green eyes were loved by everyone. She was standing there smiling and having a great time. I put my hand on her shoulder and turned her around, but I had to maintain my reputation so I forced tears before looking up, and saying with a hurt, broken voice, "Aia, I thought... I thought we were friends. I knew you never liked me but I did my best not to hurt you or interfere with you, and I'm sorry if I hurt you, I just wanted to be a part of the school." My voice breaking and I let go of her shoulder leaning on a girl that had told me she likes the color of my hair before. "I..I.." She panicked, I could hear murmurs, people wanting to know what really happened, so I said, "It's okay I understand, but to exclude me from the school play." I cried even louder.

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