Chapter Six Oldest Youngest Time

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Tamaki told me to shower and get dressed in comfy, not too fancy clothes, because we'll hang out downtown, a simple place, yet so crowded. He cleaned where we had spent the night and I left the balcony going to my room. Shota was in the kitchen and I tried my best to just go to my room but his words stopped me. "I hope dad didn't yell at you too hard."

"Apparently he did, just as loud as you did."

"I'm sorry Tori I was just scared that you were gone!" He screamed coming closer, his eyes looked sad, and he had a face so hurt.

"It's okay," I stepped back, "it was my fault too for not having my powerbang with me." I ran to my room hoping they're all still sleeping. I showered and dried my hair in less than 40 minutes, unusual, but I didn't have the energy to care right now. We match! Both me and Tamaki had on black hoodies, I wore black shorts while he had on black pants. Shota was still in the kitchen but Tokoyama and Shoto joined him for an early breakfast. On Sundays, mom wasn't at home because her work starts earlier, so everyone agreed that on Sundays we are not required to have a family breakfast.

"Tamaki! We match!" I smiled at him while he poured himself coffee. He smiled softly and I never knew he could be so friendly, saying, "Guess we do. Come on, grab a snack cause it's like a little road trip." I grabbed protein bars for both of us and put some refrigerated fruits in containers for us.

"Where are you guys going?" Shoto asked, passing the sugar to Tamaki. "An oldest youngest time. Not that it's any of your concern." I said angrily, closing the fridge.

"Yeah, we'll hang out, just the two of us, to strengthen the relationship."

"I think Shoto wants to join you guys." Tokoyama said mockingly.

"Nah, he's far too selfish to waste so much fun with me. Besides, today is just for me Tamaki, we have a lot to cover."

"What are guys planning?" Shota said suspiciously.

"Come on Tori, we're receiving a question attack." I silently agreed, and laughed, handing Tamaki my backpack so he can wear it, and shoving the containers in it.

We got into Tamaki's tesla and headed downtown. We played music and I sang my soul out as he shushed me so we could talk. I talked about school, things I wanted to do as soon as possible, and the play, and my favorite things. I talked about the play the most because the kissing scene gave me butterflies, not just one scene, but two! A forced kiss with prince Angle and the closing kiss with prince Charles. Tamaki was concerned but I explained that we'd just get close and act it out. He talked about his work, and he gave me a precise description of how his job must be done, plus how he had hoped for a lower amount of responsibility because he has to work with the employees then report to the CEO, dad. Also, being the second head command in the company gave too much work and he had to be very aware of his words and actions, because anything he does might turn into a misunderstanding, and rumors will be spread.

Tamaki parked 10 minutes away from downtown, because there are way too many people there to fit a car. We walked and kept talking non stop, and for the first time in my life I felt like I had an older brother, like the one in movies. He'd tip you off, and joke around with you, and I didn't feel that his words were ambushed, everything was wholesome and genuine. We walked in and out of the stores at the sides of a straight pathway that led to the unknown. We just looked and commented on things and didn't buy anything quite yet. After walking for two hours straight Tamaki said, "Are you hungry?" I looked at him and was about to mention the fruits we have in the backpack but we can buy something better so I said, "I wouldn't mind a tasty meal you know." Tamaki grabbed my hand and started walking fast while I asked him where we were going, over and over, but all he said was that it's a surprise. We walked through a small alley that had an old Japanese traditional decoration at the end, and there was a ramen place. It was so crowded I thought we'd wait for hours but we only waited 20 minutes. We got an empty table just for the two of us, and sat down. As I was still confused, Tamaki ordered something called "The double trouble" it was a ramen dish meant for two people to share, and as they are sharing they are supposed to annoy earth other until one of them chokes, making the other person with them panic for them so fast to prove that their: relationship, friendship, or even Interest relationships to be honest, truthful, genuine, and will last.

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