Chapter 11: Bloodthirsty Majesty

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Aadvika's breath quickened as she crouched behind the couch with Ian, her mind racing with fear and confusion. The room was bathed in an eerie glow as the queen alien towered over them, its mandibles clicking menacingly.

"Why did it say my name?" Aadvika whispered, her voice barely audible.

Ian's eyes were filled with a mix of fear and determination as he gestured for her to stay quiet. The alien's gaze seemed to pierce through the furniture, its unsettling crimson eyes fixated on the two of them.

The queen alien let out a low rumble, its strange, guttural voice echoing in the room. "Aadvika, emerge. You are the chosen one."

A wave of icy dread washed over Aadvika as she tightened her grip on Ian's hand. The air crackled with tension, and she could feel the weight of the unknown pressing down on her.

The queen alien's voice reverberated around them, a strange mix of authority and otherworldly allure. "Aadvika, come to me. Embrace your destiny."

Aadvika's mind whirled with questions. Destiny? Chosen one? What did it all mean? And why was Ian so insistent on keeping her hidden?

Ian's grip tightened on Aadvika's hand, his eyes pleading with her to stay hidden. But a newfound sense of curiosity and bravery swelled within her, fueled by a desire to uncover the mysteries surrounding her own existence.

With a resolve that surprised even herself, Aadvika took a deep breath and stood up, facing the queen alien with a newfound sense of confidence. "What do you want from me?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the fear that gripped her heart.

As the room fell silent, the queen alien's eyes flashed with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. And in that moment, Aadvika knew that her life would never be the same again, embarking on a thrilling journey of discovery and danger in the alien realm. 

The queen fixed her unwavering gaze on Aadvika and said, "Your ancestors and your family surrendered themselves to us. Now it's your turn."

Bravely, Aadvika asked, "What did they do to deserve your evil thoughts?"

The queen replied with a smile, "We didn't kill them but welcomed them with open arms."

Ian pulled Aadvika closer and whispered, "Don't listen to her. She's just messing with your mind."

Aadvika stood there feeling confused and scared, but she felt relieved that Ian was there to protect her from the evil in front of them. The queen suddenly let out a shrill laughter, and the whole room echoed with her evil cackle.

"Didn't you tell her what you know about us?" the queen smirked at Ian.

Aadvika turned toward Ian and asked him curiously, "Tell me about what, Ian? What are you hiding from me?"

Ian felt a wave of frustration wash over him as he sighed heavily and pursed his lips. The thought of losing Aadvika due to his own dishonesty was almost unbearable. On the other hand, he couldn't shake the feeling that she deserved to know the whole truth.

The queen settled gracefully on the luxurious couch, striking a regal pose. Meanwhile, Ian struggled to collect his thoughts and muster the energy to respond to Aadvika, who was already poised and expectant.

Ian grasped her shoulders firmly and turned to face her. "Their survival on this Earth depends on your blood," he stated gravely.

"Why do they need to survive here, Ian? They're not from this place. They don't belong on this Earth's surface," Aadvika struggled to articulate her curiosity to Ian.

Ian turned to look at the queen, who already had her gaze fixed on Aadvika, before turning back towards her. "The queen can easily take your blood. You have to be willing to give it to her so she can survive."

"So, my family was all willing to give their blood to her? What will happen if I refuse?" Aadvika stared into Ian's eyes.

Ian spoke softly, "The love between the aliens and humans will continue until no one is left."

Aadvika, showing courage, replied, "You leave me no choice, Ian. She wants me. I'll give her my blood so this ends now."

Suddenly, Ian pulled her back and whispered, "I won't let you. I won't let her win this time."

Before Aadvika could inquire about Ian's intentions, he swiftly reloaded his chemical weapon and shot at the queen. However, her soldiers reacted quickly, shielding her from the shot and blocking the chemical, which caused a rapid and dangerous reaction upon contact with their skin.

"Let's get out of here!" Ian shouted, dragging Aadvika away from the building.

Aadvika struggled to keep pace with Ian as they hurried down the stairs. The furious alien queen demolished the unit's bricks and flung its gate to the ground with great force. In her haste, Aadvika accidentally injured herself, scraping her skin on the broken metal stairs. Her blood marked the stairs as she fled from the pursuing alien queen.

The queen alien locked eyes on the scene and a wide, menacing grin spread across her face. With eerie grace, she glided down the stairs, her abnormally long tongue extending as she proceeded to lick up Aadvika's blood from the ground.

The queen smiled evilly once more and remarked, "It's delicious, but unfortunately, I crave more."


🌟Remember to stay tuned for the next chapter to find out what happens next!

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