Lesson 04 - Shopping

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The huge billboard with neon lights is almost blinding to the humans. They stand in front of the huge, three storied building, mouths agape. Mammon grins, smiling proudly at his choice.

Devil Style. The place where a demon can easily get the best threads.

Mammon wears a smug grin as he leads the three nervous humans inside. He does keep an eye out for them too, don't want Lucifer to punch him in the face next. He tells the women to stay close, noticing how the other demons have already smelled humans in the building.

A sales associate comes over, bowing with a smile.

"Welcome back, Mammon! Pleased to assist you again, sir! How may I help the Avatar of Greed this time?"

Mammon's smug expression doesn't waver as he looks over at the humans. The humans better take in how awesome and powerful the Great Mammon is! He nods to the associate.

"Mara, ya gotta help some newcomers here. First time in the Devildom, help 'em out yeah?"

"Absolutely, sir!"

The demoness grins to herself. Is it men for her to tempt? 

Her face falls upon seeing the three women. Damn it. She then stops and moves closer, sniffing.

"Sorry for being rude... You are human, aren't you?"

The humans merely nod, frozen in place. They're in a building full of demons! At least they know Mammon won't kill them off...

Mara smiles.

"Please, do relax! We are Lord Diavolo's loyal subjects. You will be unharmed."

She makes a small melodious sound, and two succubi arrive.

"Ah! Vylienne, Kelixia! Help the other humans, won't you dears?"

The succubi freeze and nod instantly. Their mistress's voice may sound polite, but they have already sensed the cruel undertones.

The succubi named Vylienne go to Rado, while Kelixia offers to help Josie.

Vylienne speaks up nervously.

"U-Um...! What kind of clothes are you looking for, ma'am?"

Rado, who was also nervous, calms down a little. Looks like this succubus is pretty young; and afraid of her mistress.

"Just the comfortable kind, thank you. Anything simple will do! If it helps, I prefer the colour blue."

The human tries to create a comfortable atmosphere, to which the succubus adapts quickly. Vylienne smiles brightly.

"Stay right here, ma'am."

The gorgeous young lady goes off to select some clothes. Rado feels a little happy at the fact that she has successfully talked to a succubus, evident from how Vylienne's tail is wagging from excitement.

The young sales associate returns with a huge pile of blue clothes, much to Rado's surprise. Vylienne happily goes through the clothes. She loves fashion.

"Luckily we have many clothes which are not enchanted in stock!"

Dresses, jackets, skirts, tops, pants. There's everything. Rado scans through the clothes, unable to decide.

"I would love to hear your suggestions for me."

Vylienne seems surprised. The usual customers already knew what they wanted, but this human's willing to hear her opinion? That's... nice, honestly.

"Oh! You wanted to stick to comfort... Do you prefer hoodies? The Devildom can have extreme temperatures though..."

"Extreme temperatures?"

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