Lesson 02 - The Seven Brothers

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Lucifer looks back at the three humans as they walk back to the Assembly Hall.

"Sounds like you three had a nice chat."

The humans look at each other, thinking about the call with the demon Mammon. Apart from finding him referring to himself as 'THE Mammon' funny, they know that he didn't sound very reliable in the call. None of them utter a word as they reach the centre of the hall again.

Diavolo sighs a little. The Demon Prince understands their concern.

"Well, if you were suddenly brought to a strange place and then get told that an unfamiliar face will now take care of you, you'd certainly feel anxious. However, Mammon's not the only one to help you out."

He gives the humans a reassuring smile, then turns to Lucifer.

"Now then... we still need to introduce our new friends to your brothers, Lucifer. And it's probably better that you do it instead of me, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes... As much as I dread the idea of doing so, you're right."

Dread?? Why would he dread introducing his brothers?

Raede quietly tugs on Rado's sleeve, which is responded to immediately.


"You heard him... We're going to meet more demons."

"What else did you expect, we got zapped into hell- sorry Devildom."

"Rado. We're in our frickin' pajamas."

Rado looks down at their clothes. Matching pajamas. Not even their coworkers back in the Human World know of this, and now they're going to meet more demons while wearing pajamas. Rado sighs quietly, then remembers something.

"Isn't Josie the one who usually complains about this?"

"Her 'pajamas' is basically her favourite white top with white silk pants. And that cardigan. Her so-called pajamas look more formal than our matching sets."

"Lucky her... Well, we can request them to take us shopping after this..."

One of the demons from the rows of seats above steps down excitedly. Champagne coloured hair with long sweeping bangs on the left side. Sparkling eyes with colours of the sunset sky. He wears the same uniform as the other demons in the hell, neatly dressed and buttoned up, but has a light pink ribbon in place of a tie.

"Oh come on now, Lucifer! You should be honoured that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!"

"This one here is Asmodeus. He's the fifth eldest, and the Avatar of Lust."

"Aah! I can't believe you just ignored everything I said! 'This one'?! You referred to me as 'this one'?! How rude!"

A new voice pipes in.

"At least he didn't ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel?"

Rado seems surprised. She didn't even notice the other demon come down with Asmodeus!  She looks at Lucifer, trying to understand whether this new demon was being ignored on purpose. Unfortunately, that stern expression is difficult to read.

Lucifer continues with the introductions half-heartedly.

"That one is Satan, the fourth eldest. At first glance, he may seem like a responsible demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving."

Raede and Josie let out a low grumble upon the last remark. Maybe some high school memories resurfaced? The Merchant of Venice is a famous play, after all.

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