Lesson 03 - Tasks

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Footsteps could be heard from afar. Loud stomping is heard faintly, to which Raede perks up. Angry footsteps...?

Lucifer sighs again.

"Well, you've gone that done now, and it seems that the idiot has arrived as well."

The doors of the Assembly Hall get kicked open with a loud bang, which resonates within the ancient walls of the room. An annoyed voice is heard. A familiar voice.

"HEY! Just who do you think you are, humans? You've got a lotta nerve summoning the Great Mammon!"

That nickname. That darn nickname, making him sound superior to the rest. Both Raede and Josie whisk their heads to face the source, wanting to meet this crazy demon they talked to over this phone.

Messy white hair. Tan skin. Deep blue eyes with a golden glow to it. His uniform is the same as Beelzebub; wrinkled, not worn properly, and a yellow tie barely clinging to his neck. 'THE Mammon', or now, the 'GREAT Mammon'. And boy, does he look pissed.

Raede and Josie suppress their laughs, their efforts earning them a quick glare from Rado.

Mammon hasn't noticed, too busy thinking about profit.

"Listen up, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once. If you value your life, then you'll hand over all of your money now! And anyth-..."

The demon stops in his tracks.

"Lucifer, why're these humans in pajamas?"

"Shut up, Mammon. Unless you're asking for a blow here."


"GAH, OWW! Hey, what's the big idea?! I thought you were actually gonna give a chance to shut up before punchin' my guts off!"

Mammon clenches his stomach, crouching down on the floor. The humans stare in horror, their gazes constantly shifting from Lucifer to Mammon, concerned and worried. Lucifer shakes his head.

"Worried? He can handle it. Look."

Mammon is still on the floor, crouching. However, he does have a grin on his face now. They're demons, must be normal. It was still shocking to see a demon punch his own brother's guts.

Satan steps in to introduce Mammon as the white-haired demon slowly gets up on his feet again.

"Rado, Raede, Josie. Mammon here is the Avatar of Greed. He governs and oversees all forms of it. Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they find themselves awash in money."


Satan chuckles at Raede's exclamation.

"In simple terms, yes. The person instantly becomes rich. But from what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, that wealth evaporates. They're left without a Grimm to their name."

Mammon seems to be lost in thought, now invested in this rumour.

"You're sayin' that if I like someone, then they get rich? And if I break up with 'em, their entire money vanishes? Do I get the money?"

Satan just stares at Mammon.

"I said it evaporates. Besides, it's a rumour about you, you should be knowing whether it's true."

"Hah? Gimme a break, I haven't even dated! The club doesn't count! I should test it out..."

Lucifer clears his throat loudly. Mammon freezes up instantly, while the Avatar of Wrath steps back without another word.

Asmodeus chimes in.

"Satan! You forgot to say that he's a masochist! That part is very important."

Rado seems a bit shocked at that. Mammon catches that and frowns at Asmodeus.

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