Lesson 07 - Poor Mammon

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"Asmodeus, keep your voice down!"

The Avatar of Lust kept laughing, even after hearing Satan's warnings. Or did he hear it? Maybe not, he's too busy laughing to care. His elder brother? The Avatar of Greed? Now under the control of mere humans?? This is the most hilarious thing he has ever heard. Who knew that Mammon fell for such traps so easily?

Satan sighs.

"If Mammon hears, he'll get upset again, and we won't hear the end of it."

Asmodeus laughs again.

"Oh Satan. He won't be up for a while, he's not really a morning demon. And how can you NOT laugh after what happened? Mammon, one of us rulers of the Underworld. Played like a fiddle and forced into a pact by these humans!"

Satan looks away. Some muffled sounds could be heard from the Avatar of Wrath; he was stifling his own laughter. Asmodeus grins, knowing that Satan will find it amusing before the demon himself.

The humans don't laugh though. They actually don't see why they should be laughing. They're too busy thinking about how the pact works and completing their daily dance battles. Josie gives her D.D.D. to Asmodeus, who seems confused.

"Hm? Why're you giving your D.D.D., human?"

"The cards in the dance battles need to be powered with magic... It's showing a pink symbol."

Leviathan speaks from the other end of the long dining table.

"You gave it to the right person. Pink's Asmo. I'll teach you which colour represents us. You three know any by now?"

Raede nods.

"Blue's Lucifer and Yellow's Mammon. And now Pink's Asmodeus."

A loud crunch is heard. Everyone turns to the source; Beelzebub. The demon is too busy eating his food. And chunks of the plate along with it. Leviathan tries to stop his younger brother.

"Beel, calm down! You're munching on the plate too!"

Rado seems worried.

"Does that not hurt him?"

Satan shakes his head.

"He can digest it, but it isn't healthy for him."

"It sounds like the plate is a food item too..."

Asmodeus smiles.

"I have to say, I'm REALLY surprised. I never thought average humans like you would be able to make a pact with Mammon. Certainly not this fast! Well, who knows? You may not have been the humans who were supposed to be summoned, but you three sure are meant to be so!"

The humans shrink a little. They did see the demons laughing, but what if they're offended deep down?

Raede mumbles.

"We only did what we could... It was all Levi's idea..."

Satan chuckles a little.

"No need to be so humble. We're not upset, rather we find this quite funny."

Leviathan grins.

"All I know is I got my money back! Couldn't have asked for a better outcome. Epic win for Leviathan! I should've rounded up some random human and done this sooner!"

The humans eat in silence, not getting why this is so hilarious. And how Levi makes the pact thing sound so simple. Of course, it was easy with his help, but they did feel like they accomplished something great. However, Levi just keeps rambling.

"Now I'll be able to buy 'Journey to the Devildom: The Tale of a Little She-Devil and Her Reluctant Companion!' The initial round of copies includes promotional tickets to a live event as a special bonus! The live event is going to be sooooo epic!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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