Lesson 05 - Leviathan, The Avatar of Envy

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Mammon leads the three humans to the huge mansion, pausing at the Entrance Hall.

"This is the House of Lamentation. It's not just one of the dorms here at RAD, it's the dorm reserved for the Student Council members."

He frowns and looks at the humans.

"Lucifer, Asmo, and the other may call me scum, say that I'm a money-grubber and stuff... But I'm an officer of the student council, same as them. The elite of the elite, the top of the RAD social pyramid-"

Raede intervenes.

"There's a social pyramid here too?"

Mammon frowns.

"Oi! What's with that comment?!"

Josie speaks casually.

"Ragging. That happens in the Human World."

The Avatar of Greed goes silent. They didn't even let him finish his sentence!

"Anyways. What I'm tryna say is that I'm a REAL bigshot here at RAD. Like, even regular bigshots are impressed by what a bigshot I am. So don't ya go thinkin' that I'm just some ordinary demon! I'm NOTHING like those other peons walkin' the halls here."

The ladies shrug and nod, not knowing how to respond to that declaration of superiority.

Mammon nods and continues.

"Us seven brothers all live here together. I'll just show you guys your room, that sorcerer just finished converting it into a three-person room..."

Rado notices the flyers on the bulletin board nearby. She goes over to check it. There are many flyers: test reminders, club posters, event notices and so on. One of the flyers catch her attention.

"Part-time jobs?"

The other two humans perk up and go over to the eldest, checking the flyer.

"Slots are open."


Mammon calls out, feeling a bit annoyed.

"Oi, hurry up or I'm leavin' you three behind! If ya wanna ask somethin', do it now."

Rado nods.

"About this job-listing..."

Mammon nods.

"Yeah, for that ya gotta apply though an app called ':D JOBS'. It's pretty easy, just choose the place you want to work at, then the timing. Salary details and requirements will show up once you select. Read that before y'all proceed, there's a cancel option too if ya aren't satisfied. But resignation is done in person."

Raede frowns.

"You're talking about resignation already?"

The demon merely shrugs.

"You're humans. Dunno if you can catch up with the work."

Rado grits her teeth, holding back as she smiles.



Mammon gets serious.

"Now I'm gonna give ya three a piece of advice, so listen up. If ya wanna survive even a day here in the Devildom, keep your ears open. If it ever looks like a demon is about to attack you... run away. Either that or die."

The humans seemed shocked. Seriously?! Some caretaker he is!

They start to retort back when an unfamiliar voice is heard.

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