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"Damn..." Trevante thinks to himself, "I hate waking up before the alarm... wait... that new dude is supposed to come today. 

 I guess I'll go... I wish I wasn't captain..."

Trevante continues to stare at the ceiling. 

"This shit is too much... I wish somebody was here with me... Ask how my day went...



I hope I remember this routine, I'll be so pissed if Tyler gets this... I think I know a combo that would be better than his. At least I hope so... Le'Fue pisses me off sometimes... I do not wanna go.



The showcase is coming up soon. I wish somebody could be in the audience for me. I'll be alright ... Dance is amazing but I don't know how much longer I can do this here. 



Trevante's eyes close soaking in the last few minutes of his quiet bliss.



*RING RING RING* Trevante's phone goes off at the foot of the bed.

"... shit..." he thinks, looking down at the phone that requires him to get up and turn off. 

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