Damn It Crimp! Just please promise me..

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Astra: Are you ready for the moster, monster?.. you aren't ready for the monster~

The low tunes of the red headed troll could be heard echoing through the cell made his peoples size. He found himself bored as always, waiting on crimp to be thrown into the closet again- just as he thought that a loud thump could be heard

Astra: Crimp, why do you let them do this to you?

Crimp: I-im fine Astra! Its just tough love, you know!

Astra's eyebrows raised at the naive creature (mop head???) sighing, he sat down leaning on the glass wall, looking at poor Crimp..

While other stuff is happening on the other side of the closet, Branch and Poppy realized that the rest of BroZone had gotten themselves.. in a somewhat sticky situation.. Hearing the closet door open and something was pushing hearing Veneer's and Velvet's annoying loud voices saying something about BroZone..

Astra ran to the glass pressing his hands against it to see a bug? or a buss? or something, poor Rhonda was growling and scratching on the door trying to get out, before it opened up to Poppy and.. Branch!? Astra stumbled back, walking backwards as far as he could not to be seen inside this little glass cell.

After they had left with Rhonda, Crimp hurriedly went to check on Astra.

Crimp: Astra! We need to go aswell!

Astra: He's alive..??

Crimp: W-Who?

Astra looked at Crimp with worried eyes, 

Astra: Crimp! Let me out! You NEED to put me in one of those diamond bottles.. NOW! A-and it needs to be able to drain more talent from me than those other bottles- Please.. I- please i need to save them..

Crimp: Astra! Y-you could die! 

Astra: I know but.. I need to save them, after all they made it back into his life.. I'm a lone wolf and Branch needs his brothers more than me..  Damn It Crimp! Just please promise me.. i need them to be a family again!

Crimp: A-are you sure Astra..?

Astra nodded his head as he was put in a special pure blue diamond bottle, he had asked crimp to shoot the bottle into the Vacuum thing Velvet had on her.. know she was the greedy one out of the 2.

Crimp agreed to all of this without questioning it, seeing how much Astra cared for this one troll she never met, but she trusted Astra more than Velvet and Veneer.

*Time skip to the shit show*

Astra: Crimp! Clay's out- Send it!

Crimp had made a diamond launcher, while getting on the boat with Astra, she obeyed him, the bottle  landed perfectly in the vacuum thing (idk what its called tbh LOL) all the trolls got surprised even Velvet but Astra's angry eyes stared into hers as she stumbled back from impact, though she smirked and continued the song draining the last of the trolls talent.

Astra and Floyd could barely stand up, though he thought no one had notice us and Crimp had cut the power to let Branch and his brother sing to break the diamond prison

Astra smiled as the diamonds shattered and Floyd was in worse condition than Astra, he had managed to recover slightly from being locked away in that cell..

The BroZone group ran towards Floyd and managed to catch him on his way down, surprsingly he had made it even if he was almost drained from everything. Astra smiled and got up, his balance bad and almost fell over as he stumbled to get out of the view from the rest, he gone to hide behind Crimp, not wanting to deal with BroZone right now.. he was still mad at them all but Branch, it wasn't his fault they had left after all...

*Time skip*

Veneer: But i just had a change of heart-!

Crimp: But you also took part in troll napping, troll torture and fraud!

Veneer:  Right.. Prison it is!

Astra chuckled at Veneer, he wasn't mad at him, i think no one was as he was about to turn around some pink with crazy hair was inches from his face at he fell on his bum back.

Astra: Whoa- Oh troll heaven you scared me!

Viva: Who are you?

Astra took a better look at the female troll, realizing he had never seen this one before today..

Astra: Well.. Im Astra, i used to be friends.. with BroZone

Viva: Oh! Why didn't you say so! Let's go over there-!

Astra: Okay.. okay! Let's calm down, you see im not exactly their friend anymore.. They still think im dead yk? so i don't wanna take away their moment with Floyd and them all.

Viva was shocked at this troll, however she nodded her at him and ran to the rest, while Astra made his way to Crimp who had finally stood up for herself, he was proud..

Astra: Hey Crimp! I'm proud of you finally standing up for yourself- *cough*

Crimp: O-oh no, A-astra are you okay? Should i get s-someone!?

Astra caught his breath as he hard a slightly harder time to breathe-

Astra: Oh no Crimp im doing fine but, i don't want them to see me so could you hide me with you until we go back home to troll village?

Crimp: Oh thank rageous! Yes- of course but- we are all gonna go something called Vacay Island first!

Astra: Vacay Island..? never heard of the place, well that's fine just let me not be seen until i go back to troll village..

Crimp nodded unsurely of his request she wasn't sure why he didn't want to be seen with his supposed family.. Her and the rest of the gang made it to Vacay island where Branch and his new boy band was gonna preform their song. 

Astra, was in the shadows, smiling at everyone having fun and being happy together however, he was still doing not too good, whatever happens when his talent got drained he's been feeling worse than ever, though he didn't let it bother him for now.. He overheard the pink troll mention his name to BroZone after they were done singing and partying.. Shit.. 

Viva: Oh yeah i went to look for he other troll that i saw during our little battle with Veneer and Velvet!

Poppy's eyebrows raised and so did everyone elses

Clay: Wait Viva, Who're you talking about? 

Viva: He said his name was um.. Astra? I think he seemed super convinced not to meet you guys.

She put her hands on the waist and it fell dead silent until Branch spoke up

Branch: He's still alive? But Why doesn't he wanna talk to us..?

Floyds heart began to hurt, knowing that Astra stayed away from them cuz of what they did years ago and he looked at Branch weirdly what did he mean by "he's still alive"

They all looked at Branch shocked as he explained what happened years ago, they all looked guilty.

Astra had listened enough and stumbled his way out of the main bar area to get some fresh air only to be met why are super happy buss/bug thing...

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