Hard to breathe

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Astra: Stupid Pop trolls.. Stupid Classical.. Stupid funk, techno and rock..

His built anger was exploding from the inside, he had managed to scare away all trolls that had come in contact with him, making him feared and not many dared to step foot near his little hide out.

Though it was just that troll child inside him crying from being locked away, pushed away and hated, all he wanted was to be free and loved but the people around him changed and so did he.

*Somewhere else* 

Trollex: I think he just wants to be appreciated, you know being himself?

Barb: You're right electro dude.

Poppy: Well he had a sad childhood as far as i know..

Branch: He did.. And I made everyone turn against him for my mistakes..

Floyd: Don't beat yourself Branch, everyone had part in his disappearance.

Poppy and Branch looked worriedly at each other, they had for weeks trying to track down Astra after tons of trolls had encounter him in the deep forest, in the middle of all the music nations. Since he didn't want to be a part of anyone, he made his way into the middle where he could be himself without being forced to dance and sing..

Floyd: However i think we need to apologize to him, at least us pop trolls for pushing him to the curb..

Branch and Poppy nodded their heads as they had a major part in Astra's disappearance, last they saw him was when he, made his way out of the rock arena after that no one could find him after that.

Barb: He always seemed to be out for revenge for you pop dudes

Branch: Alot of it was and still is my fault.. I lied to cover up my jealously..

Barb: Not cool dude..

Trollex nodded at Barbs words, for some reason no one could ever get mad at Branch but Astra always had to deal with the bull shit if something was wrong even if it wasn't his problem, it had always been that way even when he helped BroZone as a young troll. Once Clay accidentally threw a mic Astra's way and was hit in the eye and Clay gave a half assed apology. Astra being nice still forgave him.

However the Techno and Rock royals told the pop trolls that this was a problem for them to fix or else they might push Astra away even more. The pop trolls agreed with the royals, as far as they knew, Astra was somewhere in the melody forest, connecting all the musical lands of the different genres but not much more information than that and using Rhonda wouldn't matter more since he had found a way to mask his scent.

They basically are stuck on route 1, with little to nothing to go off. When the random trolls traveling found him, he was just looking for a place to stay and they got in his way.

*Le back to our boy Astra*

He played on guitar, he had really gotten better at it during the few weeks alone, but he managed to figure it out on his own, being with the pop troll for all those years it wasn't common to use instruments, only singing and dancing.. He almost gagged at the thought of singing and dancing that life was behind him.

He managed to keep the guitars volume down to the point it couldn't be heard unless you were close to him, he somehow attracted singing bugs, however he didn't feel anything as they would sing along to his instrument, he actually smiled at them..

You would think "Isn't he tempted to sing and use his voice like before?" to answer that: Yes, it was hard to not sing along, though he kept himself from doing it, let's be honest this poor guy just had a huge grudge against the world who betrayed him.

Sometimes it would be hard to breathe, his health was decreasing with the way he push out the amount hate and he never actually healed from the incident with Velvet and Veneer, he surely missed Veneer though, he always knew Veneer had a good heart.. And the funny thing was he could actually sing without using any talent, Astra guessed he didn't want to hurt Velvet (plot twist he was always good at singing just didn't want to hurt Velvet)

He would get tons of sleepless nights thanks to his health, was he stubborn as ever? Yes, was he gonna go back? No, would he prefer to die this way? Yes, no, maybe, no.. His act could only last for so long but then again he scared the only ones that came close to him away. 

He looked at them crazy as most of them just ran away, like.. was he *THAT* ugly to them- or what? He usually shrugged and moved on with his walks he usually took to look around for no apparent reason, he liked walking and moving his body.. Only problem was that the colder months of the year was approaching around the corner and he was not ready.. Lord save him. 


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