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Floyd broke the kiss, both with red faces, he pulled Astra closer to hug him tightly. Astra was stunned for a second but soon hugged back tightly, oh how he had missed being touched by another being.. He was alone for so many years and suddenly he's told he lost him memory and can't remember anyone but they all seemed so sad and apologetic for something they did, he of course didn't understand what they did that was so bad.

Floyd: I'm so happy you're okay..

Astra: Haha well of course I am!

Floyd: Oh to be a redheaded troll with so much energy after being in a coma for months~

Astra: Thanks Floyd- Oh to be a depressed emo~

Floyd broke the hug to look at Astra in the eyes only to be met giggles from the redhead, he couldn't keep a straight face with this emo, Floyd joined in and "kinda" agreed with Astra.

*Time Skipppppp*

Floyd: So how long exactly do you need to stay in here?

Astra who munched on his food happily (LISTEN HE GETS SPECIAL TREATMENT FROM THE QUEENS CHEF) 

Astra: I *munch* don't *munch*know *munch*

Floyd mentally facepalmed at this messy troll, he sighed and got up to talk to the staff. Astra could go home today which made Floyd happy, Floyd had his own place near Branch and he didn't want to bring back any bad memories by accident so he would go with Floyd home until they could renovate Astra's old place.

Floyd: Okay Astra all we need to do now is give ya the eye drops and we can go-

Astra: You'll never touch me with that satan juice! Stay away!-

Astra pointed a finger towards the eye drops in Floyd's hand, Floyd smirked at Astra as he came closer slowly, he nodded to the doctor to his side, getting the que to take the drops and use them on Astra as soon as Floyd got a grip on Astra.

Astra: I said stay away! It STINGS

Floyd: I'm sorry but it's needed!

Floyd leaped forwards getting Astra in a grip, holding his arms to the side as the doctor made his way closer, Astra of course wouldn't go without a fight- He wiggled somehow out of his grip and ran to a corner to hiss at them both like a cat, while Floyd and Astra's doctor sweat dropped.

After much fighting and Floyd looking beat up, they finally managed to give him his eye drops, Astra was pouting at them both refusing to speak until Floyd apologized, crossing his arms looking away as the stinging got worse.

Floyd: Aw come on now Astra~ It wasn't *THAT* bad!

Astra looked shocked and offended and spoke up

Astra: You should try it then!

Floyd: But i don't need it-

Astra continued to huff and puff for a few more moments before Floyd apologized.

Floyd: Alright I'm sorry you big baby~

Astra: I accept but call me a baby again and i will make sure you wish you were never born~

Astra said in a serious tone as Floyd's went up in defense, showing that he wouldn't do it again. Anyways they packed up the little to nothing Astra had and went back to Floyd's place but Astra got alot of looks as he walked with Floyd, making him feel uneasy, almost wanting to hide, the stares was a bit too much for him and he wished he could've stayed in the hospitroll.

*Time Skip*

Astra and Floyd finally arrived after a bit of a walk, Floyd opened the door to the messy house, making Astra cringe from the smell of absolute death.

Astra: Damn dude- Clean your house..

Floyd: Shit.. Sorry Astra, I'll do it rn just sit down at the table or something.

Astra: Hell no it smells like death in here, i'll sit outside the door and make sure to leave it open with some windows..

Floyd embarrassedly nodded and Astra sat outside the door, seeing Floyd in the corner in his eyes. He looked up at the clouds, his right eye was still blurry but slowly getting better but it sure as hell was annoying. Though his thought was brought back to when he was walking in the village, did he do something to gain that much attention? He just got nervous that everyone would hate him for losing his memories..


Super short chapter cuz i was super busy T ^ T 

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