Getting Hot..(lime)

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(I feel like getting into some hawt stuff with Floyd but dw.. this story is far from over, his options are still up ;) TEHE)

Astra still struggled to fall asleep again with Floyd's arms tightly around him, he tried to out out of his grip, wiggling like a worm to get out. Astra had managed to almost get out of the strong pink headed troll, Jesus, did he even know he was strong?

As the grip on Astra's waist almost was let go, Floyd still sleeping managed to get his grip, pulling somewhat hard on Astra as he was spooned again and Astra let out a low moan of pleasure.

Apparently that woke Floyd and he let go off Astra quicker than lightning, the fast movement made Astra let out a "ngh" type of sound, both trolls cheeks turned red. as they both sat up, this time looking at each others eyes

Neither of them speaking as Astra's eyes drifted away from the eye contact, probably too embarrassed to look at him.

Floyd: I'm so sorry Astra- I didn't realize- I mean-

Astra still avoiding eye contact replied with a quiet "It's okay.." 

Floyd used to be this shy troll but now days, he was more grown up and he knew he was a good looking troll.. With that in mind, from being shocked he pulled Astra down on the bed again but this time Floyd on top and between his legs, still clothes on.

Astra was shocked and probably even more red now than before, now staring into Floyd's dark pink eyes, mouth slightly open, trying his best to talk but Floyd had other things in mind.

Floyd: It's a bit out of character for me to act like this but.. your moans just made me go crazy for you..

Astra looked away in embarrassment, giving Floyd a chance to start kissing his neck (their necks barely exists but now it does bc i said so) 

 Astra put his hands on Floyd's shoulders as he kept kissing and sucking on his neck, Astra was actually starting to enjoy it, to the point he became a moaning mess under Floyd, his arms wrapped around Floyd's neck, giving him more of a chance to access Astra's neck now that he had relaxed into Floyd's touch.

 Astra: Ahh~ Floyd, p-please don't stop.. 

Floyd smiled against Astra's skin, making it more intense for the younger troll, letting out moans as the younger troll wanted more but Floyd feared to hurt him in this state, he was still very skinny and weak so he stopped and started kissing Astra with passion and love.

Their tongues danced with each other, fighting for dominance, which clearly wasn't on Astra's side.. They parted away from each other's tongues, a thin line of saliva connecting their tongues.

Astra looked up at Floyd with cloud filled eyes from the intense pleasure, his breathing slowing down, no words leaving his mouth. He wasn't even sure what to say, he didn't know Floyd liked him.. I mean Astra had a thing for Floyd but as a young troll but now.. 

Floyd put his forehead on Astra's bringing him out of his head to focus on Floyd.

Floyd: You should probably continue to rest, i need to meet up with others.. I'll bring you food once i come back..

All Astra could was nod as he saw Floyd leave his side going to the door, as Floyd looked back and smiled at Astra, his cheeks grew red again and turned away from him not wanting him to see his face.

Floyd chuckled and left for now as Astra, sat up as he heard the door close, going to the bathroom to check out the work Floyd had left on him, he turned his head to side.. Jesus his neck.. well it was certainly covered in a hickeys, he just blushed as he went to shower.. he probably stank after being stuck in bed for so long.

It was refreshing, as the dirt and other gunk washed away, his long up straight hair cover his face, as he recalled what happened not too long ago.. I was hard not to beg for more.. Feelings of feeling wanted again was like a drug to him, being loved.. he couldn't let that feeling slip up again.

*Hours later* 

Astra was fast asleep in the bed after everything that happened earlier, he was running on basically no food in his system so it was a struggle to be awake and move around, luckily thats when Floyd and Branch had came back with food for him, they put it down on his table as he slept away that when Branch started talking about what he and Poppy saw last night..

Branch: So.. Did you guys sleep good?

Floyd's face turned red as he almost dropped the things he was setting down.

Floyd: W-what do you mean? haha..

Branch: Oh come on Floyd! Poppy and I saw you when we went back to look for you!

Floyd: Ah- haha well you see.. um.. He asked me to stay with him.. 

Branch just smirked teasingly as he didn't believe Floyd at ALL..

Branch and Floyd kept going back and forth as a sleepy and a slightly annoyed Astra, had been woken up, he threw a pillow in Floyd's face as he turned his back to the 2, hoping to get his peace back and Branch just laughed and told Floyd he would come back later to talk to him.

Astra smiled at the brothers, loving the fact that Branch was finally happy again and having his brothers back, it melted his heart..

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