A bit overwhelmed

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Astra: Oh, i see, well i'm sorry Queen Poppy, but i remember nothing about you..

Poppy: Don't be sad Astra! You totally good!

Branch: Yeah dude, don't beat yourself up over it, sooner or later you'll get your memories back, well i hope so at least.

Astra: Awe, this is why you're my favorite BroZone Bro, Branch!

Branch laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, though he felt bad after what he did to Astra months ago but if he did get his memories back he would of course apologize to the sun and back.

Astra: That reminds me.. Where's Floyd? And the rest of the Bros?

Branch: Well.. Since you lost your memory, they all went back to their normal lives besides Floyd, he's not doing so good at the moment..

Poppy: Yeah he's been kind of... depressed since you never woke up, well until now. 

Astra: Oh.. Well, you guys should probably tell him, I still need to stay here for a few more days.

The couple nodded their heads but they were worried that Floyd would most likely get more depressed by time, since Astra didn't remember anything within the months he had been found. How could they tell him that he forgot it all? I mean of course he remembered BroZone however his memory was basically played back to the time where Astra had to fight to survive back then while looking for Branch. He didn't even remember Velvet or Veneer.

*Time Skip*

The couple looked at each other before opening the door to the 30year old troll.

Branch: How are you feeling Floyd?

Floyd: Empty.

Poppy: Come on now Floyd, Branch has some good news!

Floyd slowly sat up with dark eye bags, his eyes red from crying.

Branch: Well.. Um..

Floyd: Well.. what?

Branch: *sigh* Astra-

Floyd eyes got bigger with fear, did he finally pass, all these thought in his head made him cry.

Branch: Woah! Floyd-!? What's wrong??

Floyd: He finally passed didn't he!?..It's all my fault..

Poppy and Branch looked at each other before chuckling lightly, making Floyd look up at them, before Floyd could speak up.

Branch: No Floyd, he's awake.

Floyd stood up and stumbled over to Branch, grabbing him by the shoulders, pulling him closer to Floyd's face.

Floyd: Please don't be joking, It's been months..

Poppy put a hand on Floyd's shoulder making him let go of Branch.

Poppy: No Floyd, he's actually awake-

Floyd: Then what are we waiting for!?-

Branch: Hold your horses Floyd-

Floyd stopped in his tracks waiting for Branch to get done so he could visit Astra asap. Branch had to explain everything to Floyd so they didn't rush in on him, causing him to seizure or anything else bad.

Floyd was disappointed to say the least however as long as Astra was awake he was happy and could let go of it. They all agreed they had to be careful around Astra so they wouldn't cause him to black out and forget everything again, with that they made their long way back to hospitroll.

Astra: Whoever made this food is a god!

The redheaded troll praised the staff for their good work causing the females to blush and giggle as the male doctors just thanked him and went on as our little Astra munched on his food happily.

*Time Skip againsies*

The trio of trolls made their way to Astra's closed door, Branch and Poppy kept asking if Floyd was ready which he was, feeling very emotional, his eyes stinging lightly as tears form, they opened his door to see the redhead look out the window, Astra turned around to greet them, upon seeing Astra, Floyd noticed his right eye being almost white, it broke his heart-

Astra: Hey Floyd! God man, i missed you!

Floyd was taken back by his happy tone, letting his tears fall as he walked up the shorter troll, hugging him tightly.

Astra: H-hey, I'm happy to see you aswell but can you not crush me please-

Floyd: Oh.. ahaha, sorry my bad, look at you! Looking better than ever, yeah?

Poppy and Branch decided to leave so they could get some private time. Astra formed a light blush over his cheeks as he spoke up.

Astra: I guess so but this eye is making me go insane! And the eye drops sting..

He said pointing at his bad eye.

Floyd: I'm sure with time it'll go away!

Astra nodded and spoke up: So Floyd.. how come you look so rough?

Floyd: Don't worry about it, I'm getting better now that you're awake.

Astra nodded and they made small talk for a hours, just talking about old memories, what to do from now on etc. Floyd started to feel his tears coming again, making Astra panic slightly-

Astra: Woah dude- I'm sorry if i said anything wrong-

Floyd: No nothing like that.. I'm just happy to see you doing so good..

Astra: Haha.. yeah well i do feel a bit overwhelmed with everything though, alot to take in after apparently being in a coma for months, feels like i have to start over in a way..

Floyd: I agree but I think it might be good for us aswell..

Astra nodded at Floyd's words, he tried to remember but it just became so blank, it gave him a headache.

Floyd looked at Astra's relaxed face, feeling a blush spreading across his cheeks..

Astra: You good Floyd? You seem a bit red-

Floyd grabbed Astra carefully and pressed his lips against the younger trolls lips, Astra's cheeks lit up to the max but soon relaxed and started kissing back, melting into Floyd's touch..


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