61 Not real

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I write poems about my longing
Longing for a life long love
That is in books, stories and movies
The one that'll bring me to my knees

I write in hope to let someone special read it
I wonder whether he'll come or I'll be left with guilt
I dream of such love, no human is capable of
I dream of an unattainable person
But I'm still alone and my longing just worsen

I crave the kind of intimacy I'm unfamiliar with
I crave a needy hug, a teary kiss, and every myth
For unconditional love is a myth
And no human alive could break it

I write poems about lovers meeting beyond time
Of them loving eachother in rhythm, in rhyme
I write about people's soul being entangled together
Of them making eye contact and writing a love letter

My hopes makes my hands reach just near
And then I wake up from dream and realize it's clear
The love in books, stories and movies
The one bringing me to my knees

---"IS NOT REAL"---

~written by shalini~

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