79. Silence

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Silence forms a dense knot in my soul
And I desperately desire a being who could console
In the deepest corners of my mind
I hide every poison, every dark thought behind

In midst of nights, I cry silently with no tears
In midst of silence, I hide my despair
I wear a veil of convincing fake smile
I hide a hell inside me all those while

I wait for night to emerge and cover the sky
And after that I sit in silence and silently die
Those breakdowns happen at presence of silence
The knots finally present itself and unravel the dense

I finally let all the poison and darkness flow out of me
And this leaves me all empty
The dense knot of silence forms again the next day
Again every corner of me is poisonous anyway

No amount of breakdowns will ever unravel this knot
I'll forever have to live this way, with the despair I got
No being could ever cure this with consolation
I'll forever have to hide in silence, hiding every emotion

~written by shalini~

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