82. Afraid To Love

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I was so afraid to love because loving something
Could cause immense pain when losing it
So I refused to love anything ever again
I closed all the doors and windows of my heart
I wrote countless pieces of poetry and drew art
To fill in the gaps of everything I refused to experience

And then he came around and I was just drawn to him
Seeing him always made my day
And being friends with him felt like being on cloud nine
I wondered why I refused myself until now, cause I'm just fine
I opened all the locked doors of my heart
And wrote about him and included him in my art

I let the sweet poison of unrequited love blend in
Slowly the thing I feared the most begin
The heartbreak phase of every one sided love story
Happened to me too and I felt like crying everytime
Sometimes I reconsidered my decisions and regreted
It felt like a bloody crime

I was so afraid to lose something, I didn't have to start with
But to speak of my heart, it was all worth it
To love someone with all my heart
In the end, even though our ways part
But, I still include him in my art
Even though he's no longer around
But my memories is a place, he'll always be found

~written by shalini~

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