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She went to the café alone because Chaeryeong had to leave early to interview someone somewhere, she couldn't really remember. She chose to sit at the bar instead of at their usual table by the window and, when a different waiter approached her to take her order, she asked for Yeji instead.

"What are you doing?" The waitress deadpanned when she appeared in front of Ryujin.

"What?" She played dumb. "I just want to place my order like any other customer."

Yeji huffed in frustration and didn't say any of the remarks that came to her mind because her coworker was near them and she didn't want him to think she was being rude to their customers. She just took the short-haired woman's order and served her.

"Who's in charge of the sugar sachets?" Ryujin asked right after taking one to use on her coffee. She had waited until the other waiter was out of earshot to make conversation with the cat-eyed woman. "Yeji." She called her to catch her attention. And oh, how she loved to say her name out loud for the first time.

"What?" The waitress, who was doing something behind the bar, looked up at Ryujin.

"The sugar sachets..." She picked up the one she'd just used and looked at it. "If you judge people, you have no time to love them." She read out loud. "These quotes are stupid."

"That you don't like them doesn't mean other people won't." Yeji stated, kind of annoyed.

"Do you like them?"

"No, they are stupid." Ryujin smiled because of Yeji's response but didn't say anything. She wanted to tease her because they had agreed on something, but she thought they weren't quite there yet. So they fell into a comfortable silence while Ryujin drank her coffee and Yeji was drying some freshly washed cups.

Just right after she finished her coffee, Ryujin decided to break the silence.

"Tomorrow's Saturday..."

"You know the days of the week, congrats." Yeji couldn't help the sarcastic tone that left her mouth. It came naturally when the short -haired one was around her.

"There's this French restaurant..." she was trying not to sound too nervous so she cleared her throat and continued, "we could have dinner together. I'll buy."

"We?" Yeji lifted an eyebrow.

"Yes, we. As in you and I?"

"You don't give up, do you?"

"Is that a yes?" She asked hopeful, trying to sound confident and charming.

"Things aren't gonna be different between us now that you know my name." She pointed out just right before she disappeared through the door that led to the kitchen.


"What's so important that you had to make me come to your apartment?" Chaeryeong was entering Ryujin's home while the latter was closing the door after her.

"What? You told me you weren't busy." Ryujin reminded her. Chaeryeong was walking straight to her kitchen and she followed her.

"I'm not." She stated. "Right now." She clarified, grabbing a couple of beer bottles from the fridge. "But I'm meeting Somi for dinner."

"Are you two attached to the hips now? You're together all the time." She grabbed the beer bottle Chaeryeong was handing her.

"We're getting to know each other." The long-haired one made her way to Ryujin's couch and sat down on it right before sipping from her bottle. Ryujin sat down next to her and sighed before speaking.

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